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Reply 1
hmm, cheaper than the usual retail store!

Reply 2
I just find that Jack Wills looks kinda crappy - I went to one of their shops when I was in Cambridge and really didn't like what I saw.
Reply 3
Jack Wills stuff is fabby in the sale, otherwise it's sooo expensive!
I've been to one in Portsmouth. It's substantially cheaper but do you really need to buy an oversized shirt, trackies/ra ra skirt, uggs, aviators etc merely to prove that you're 'one of those'? Seriously, steer clear of that look. I made the fatal mistake of wearing it at boarding school, my excuse is that I didnt see my moter for her to tell me that i looked like a fool.

Sorry, but there are so many ****ing rahs in Oxford where i live that it's boring.
Reply 5
Agree...Cornmarket is full of year 9 sloanes all wearing top to toe Jack Wills.

(That said I like some of their stuff lol!)
Reply 6
Awh, I love its stuff.
I come from Oxford, but not a posh preppy school. I wish I did, though.
Reply 7
Lol! But the pressure to dress well every day kills me! Its like if you're not wearing at least 1 thing which is Ralph Lauren, Jack Wills, Abercrombie or Tommy Hilfiger every day, you're not worth knowing. its like a uniform - the ballet pumps, skinny jeans or big trakkie bums, wide leather belt, layered tops/rugby shirt, pashmina.
Reply 8
Oh and the messy hair.
Reply 9
wheres the outlet shop???
Portsmouth, I think
Reply 11
I've been to one in Portsmouth. It's substantially cheaper but do you really need to buy an oversized shirt, trackies/ra ra skirt, uggs, aviators etc merely to prove that you're 'one of those'? Seriously, steer clear of that look. I made the fatal mistake of wearing it at boarding school, my excuse is that I didnt see my moter for her to tell me that i looked like a fool.

Sorry, but there are so many ****ing rahs in Oxford where i live that it's boring.

Tell me about it. I'm at a fairly rah Cambridge college and why the girls dress like that is BEYOND ME. It looks so aaaaargh.
Reply 12
jack wills is for wannabe rahs without two brain cells to rub together.

get some ****ing individual style
Reply 13
Ha, I still love the clothes, even though they're stereotypically rah clothes. However, I never wear more than one label at a time, like at the moment, its a JW T-shirt and just plain jeans. I agree that sometimes people can over-do it and it just looks ridiculous and try hard.
Reply 14
Tell me about it. I'm at a fairly rah Cambridge college and why the girls dress like that is BEYOND ME. It looks so aaaaargh.
For someone who claims not to care about fashion you spend an awful lot of time bitching about what other people are wearing.
I love it. I think its really just the British Abercrombie and Fitch. But better of course! Ha i like how this season they have got tracksuit bottoms that are actually decent for sport- ie they are more canvasy that those wooly slouching around the house ones.
Load of absolute crap, way too try hard.
Ok; Rather than debate the "try-hard"-ness of the clothes, maybe try replying to the posters OP?
Has anybody been to the JW outlet shop? x
um no...surely its just stuff they couldnt get rid of first time round anyway. that said ralph lauren outlets are ammmmazzzing as their style never really changes- polos/ sweatshirts.
the only thing thats worse than buying stuff just cos its a certain brand is avoiding it because its a certain brand. If you like a piece of clothing and it looks good, buy it.