Male child here. Type logic - ISTP/ISFP as a brief into my personality.
I've not been blessed with the ability to see large pictures, think of creative possabilities and alas romantic ideas. I'm just really bad at it.
She is however into the whole creative and loves romantic suprises. Being romantic was one of the traits she had said she would look for in her partner, that was in the past.
Occasionally now she would talk about her friend's relationship. Where the boyfriend would do all these things together
"homework, coming back to see her waiting in the garage using the keys he handed, letters and much more" - Ideal puppy love relationship.
I've gotten a little used to it now and don't take it like a personal attack that we're failing as a couple.
The only thing is... I don't actually believe I can ever be that romantic for her. I'm just too useless at the sort of thing.
So now I'm stuck in this situation where I'd like to be romantic yet at the sametime I know I'm never really going to be as romantic as the other person. And its causing me great disappointment, probably her too.
Is there a treatment for this sort of thing?