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I have quite a severe underbite, for those who don't know what that is it is where the lower jaw has outgrown the upper jaw, so my bottom teeth are in front of my upper teeth. It is currently being fixed with braces and I will be having surgery at Easter.

If I keep my mouth shut and my teeth apart inside then it isn't really very noticeable. However when I talk, or chew food it becommes obvious and I can't talk to people without trying to hide it. Laughing and smiling are completely out of the question.

I have gone through my whole life trying to hide it by avoiding talking to people, covering my mouth when I laugh and so on, I have always been terribly shy around people but despite this is a had a pretty decent sized group of close friends who I had know for years and years.

My problem is this, a couple of weeks ago I came to Uni, now I have to make new friends but I am so unconfident with people that I am really struggling. When I talk to people I notice their eyes flicker to my teeth and this just makes me even more self-conscious. Also at mealtimes I feel like a bit of an arse because I currently only have one place right at the back of my mouth where a tooth at the top meets a tooth at the bottom, this makes chewing an incredibly slow process.

Reading through this forum there are a lot of threads where people are saying things like "I think I am too fat/skinny/tall/short/whatever, how can I make people like me" and the general advice given seems to be to smile, everybody is always saying how smiling makes you more approchable etc etc. But what does somebody like me, who physically can't smile, do?

I have joined loads of societies, I went to all the freshers events, I tried to get so drunk that I wouldn't even think about it, but always when I am around people all I can think about are my teeth, and it's making me seriously depressed.

The surgery was supposed to have been done in the summer but it had to be cancelled and now won't be possible until Easter, obviously I can't just hide away from the world for the best part of a year, but I don't know what I can do about it.

I am not usually a person who enjoys talking about how they feel, in fact this is the first time I have told anyone about it other than my mum and a couple of close mates. Do you think I am being ridiculous about it? Do I just need to get over it and be thankful I am not an AIDS-ridden leper with no limbs?

Sorry for the long rambling post, I just thought that after 10 years of hating every moment I spend with other people it might be worth asking some advice

my brother had (well still has to a certain extent) an overbite.

He was just refered to an authrodentist which gave him a special brace which he wore.
I know its not very cool or anything but the authrodentist said that it would be best to wear it all day but even at night would make it better (that what he did)

Is this not possible for you??
Reply 2
Hrm! It's an intruiging problem to be sure.

Honestly, I wouldn't be adverse to talking to or making friends with someone based solely on their jawbone! :smile: In fact, I'm fairly certain most people just won't notice it - and if they do, they simply won't care! - even if you feel very concious of it. Just stop thinking about it! Laugh! Smile! (Without covering your mouth, of course :smile:) It'll make you feel better, and the whole friend-making process will become easy :smile:
Reply 3
my brother had (well still has to a certain extent) an overbite.

He was just refered to an authrodentist which gave him a special brace which he wore.
I know its not very cool or anything but the authrodentist said that it would be best to wear it all day but even at night would make it better (that what he did)

Is this not possible for you??

I have a brace, but it is fixed, the brace alone won't fix the problem, only the surgery and another 6 months of bracing afterwards will fix it.
I don't think there's anything you can do except live with it.

"Do you think I am being ridiculous about it?"

No, I used to have an underbite and it was quite annoying.

"Do I just need to get over it and be thankful I am not an AIDS-ridden leper with no limbs?"

Yeah, you can do that or shut yourself indoors for a few months.
Jayk Bakner
Hrm! It's an intruiging problem to be sure.

Honestly, I wouldn't be adverse to talking to or making friends with someone based solely on their jawbone! :smile: In fact, I'm fairly certain most people just won't notice it - and if they do, they simply won't care! - even if you feel very concious of it. Just stop thinking about it! Laugh! Smile! (Without covering your mouth, of course :smile:) It'll make you feel better, and the whole friend-making process will become easy :smile:


it's harder to make friends when your're not really acting yourself...
Reply 6
Oh dear :frown: I'm sorry, that must be very awkward for you. Of course you're not being ridiculous about it - if it's making the time you spend with other people unhappy, then it's not too little to care about.

When you say that people's eyes flicker to your teeth, I think it is best to try and ignore it as much as possible. I know it's horrible, but it is a natural human reaction to notice something different or unusual. They're not thinking it looks horrible. They're not thinking, "Ugh, how disgusting is that - that person's got an underbite!" They're simply noticing it. Just like you notice it if someone is particularly stunning, or someone who's extremely tall, or someone who's got very piercing blue eyes. Eventually, once you've met all the people who you want to spend your time with, they'll stop noticing it, because it will just be you who'll they'll notice. So for perhaps a couple of weeks, you've got to have people's eyes flickering to your mouth. That's all it will take. And it may be awkward and uncomfortable and horrible, but it's only for a short time.

If, on the offchance, someone comments about it, that's your chance to say something. You could say something like, "Oh, I know, yes, I've had an underbite for ages now, and it does make me feel self-conscious...but never mind, because I'm having surgery at Easter." In that way, you're telling them that you have issues with your teeth, but you're saving face by making out it doesn't really matter to you, while at the same time, perhaps slightly shaming them for mentioning it. And you can bet that no one else will after that!

Smiling is one way of making yourself seem approachable. But you mustn't ever think that it's the be-all and end-all. You can be kind and helpful, you can initiate conversations, you can always be friendly and positive. Physically, you can make your hair nice and shiny, your eyes sparkle and your skin good. There's lots of things which will attract people to you other than smiling. And remember, someone who seems happy and confident, someone who seems at ease with himself or herself and the way they look (even if you're not really inside!), is always going to be more approachable than someone who looks terribly self-conscious and terrified of interacting with people.

Remember also that your teeth issue is a relatively short term thing. This is not something you're going to have to bear for the rest of your life. This is until Easter. I know it seems such a long way away, but it's not even a whole year. Just imagine how stunning you'll look when you come back after your operation with your new teeth, and how all your friends will compliment you!

Finally, people aren't as superficial as they seem! They really won't care what you look like, as long as you're always friendly and nice.

Good luck with it all - feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk.
Reply 7
I have exactly the same problem as you, everything you say is true to me - apart from the fact that it's going to take a long time for me to have surgery!

I wore braces for about 5 years, because my teeth were incredibly messed up, but my underbite has always been a problem which can't be fixed easily. I wore I "face brace" which was an attempt to pull my upper jaw forward, but I think anything that did has been undone as I've grown :P

Basically I have to wait for more than a year, but I'm going for my first hospital apoointment soon :biggrin:

I realise it can ruin you're life.. every time I see myself in a pic, I hate it, everyone says they can't tell, but I'm sure they can see that my face is long, and that's not attractive in my view. But people do get used to it, and as long as you have good friends to support you, I'm sure you can still enjoy the months leading up to your surgery.. look forward to it!

I always read in magazines that size doesn't matter, and men would rather a pretty face than a great body.. but for people like us, that's depressing.. obesity is a self-inflicted problem, but when you're born with a problem that makes you feel ugly, that's the one thing that's hard to correct.. and not your fault.

Good luck with everything :smile: x
Well you managed to have a good sized group of friends at school, so that in itself shows that your a likeable person, and also shows that some people arent so shallow to stop something like that from making friends with someone... And please dont worry about going to Uni, as you've said there's so many of these threads saying im too tall/ugly/fat/whatever.. and it really doesnt matter, people are alot more accepting at Uni then they are at school, people generally just get on with people who they genuinely get on with, there's alot less of this 'I only talk to people who are in my little group' sort of thing that you tend to find in school :smile:
Reply 9
I had a severe underbite and had my surgery just over 2 weeks ago to correct it and i start uni on sunday. As I have just had surgery I still have the VERY thick brace on with metal hooks between all my teeth for elastics to help with healing. Its not very attractive and I know that people will look at it but I know they wont be thinking 'err... thats really horrible' - they will just think 'she has braces'. You are the one that has an issue with your braces, not other people. When I first got my braces I felt very uncomfortable but i realised that if you are happy and confident people wont think twice about it. Having braces or an underbite doesnt change who you are - love yourself for who you are and so will other people...

If you want to talk about it more or any aspects of the operation dont hesitate to contact me xxx

P.S definitely go for the operation - its the best decision I ever made!
im only 15, this site really isnt for me but i cant find any good sites giving me good information about underbites
i have quite a severe underbite and im not having no treatment for it. i hate smiling as it makes my chin stick out. does anyone have any information suchas operations, braces etc and which work. thanks loads xx.
Reply 11
there are quite a few threads on this topic if you search "jaw surgery". why is it you're not having treatment? have you seen an orthodontist? if not, i would ask your dentist to refer you. i was 1314 when i first had a visit to the orthodonist, but i was 16 before they started any treatment, and i'm 18 now and going to have surgery in a few months, so it'll all be over when i'm 19.
also if you search "orthognathic surgery" there are some groups on yahoo where people who've had treatment discuss it, so you might find some advice there as well. i still think the best person to ask would be a dentist/orthodontist.
and you said "which work" - the operation/brace combo should work if you've got an underbite. i don't think braces will be enough although there are people out there who've just had it sorted out with braces i think - not actually sure how that would work but there you go. hope this helps, feel free to pm or something if u want any info about my treatment etc
Reply 12
i'm currently in the twilight of the treatment for my underbite; had braces for just over a year, surgery this past november. i had almost the same self-consciousness/confidence issues as the OP-- the braces helped, but after the surgery... my GOD. i look and feel great! sometimes i catch a glimpse of my reflection and i find myself admiring my new bite. of course, the immediate period after surgery was one of the most difficult and unpleasant ordeals in my life, the results are well worth it. orthognactic surgery is the way to go man. highly recommended from a formerly class 3 under/cross bite patient.
This comment might be a bit old but here it is anyway...

Ok, the NHS is CRAP on this issue. If you are born with a underbite (AKA bulldog bite) then the NHS will wait till you are 13-16, break your jaw and then rewire it which means you will have to live with it for that time and you will then have to have the agony of the break and rewiring which will take along time. If it grows into that place then it should be spotted and put right with braces which is annoying and then you might still have to have surgery.
I had an underbite and got it fixed very early when I was only a couple of years old with a space mask (essentially massive brace) that pulled my jaw into place and took about 6 months but was totally worth it as I have had a perfect jaw eversince although this is only used in South Africa and not in England as it is against 'human rights'.
Also apparently the underbite originates in Scandinavia and this is why the vikings looked so tough so if you have Scandinavian blood that might explain why you have an underbite.
Anyway, I hope I have helped or been interesting.

Reply 14
I dont know if this thread is still alive but hey. Just think you are lucky enough you could fix it. On the other hand I'm broke so, i guess no surgery for me. Only the braces . I am a very happy person in front of others. I act as if I am not affected with this curse. I don't even talk about it with friends they think I am really happy but the reality is Im dying deep. I cried a good number of times at night because of this. And I am also suffering from severe acne so I guess I am unlucky af. I dont wanna be like this for the rest of my life but what can I do. I guess I just have to accept this at least for now. Just trying to figure out how am I gonna love myself tho. Sighs

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