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best book that sex-change now then
wow thanks for that utterly useless piece of spam,

mods lock please
Reply 4
No the three Rs are Reading, Riting and Rithmatic. God, you noob! :biggrin:

Don't insult Men, they constitute 51% of the population in this country and therefore hold a majority over you women, bow down and praise us! lol!


Reply 5
Having all male friends you get used to being insulted, today ive been called a thick fat crack whore lol. Oh how i love my friends :biggrin:
Reply 6
Having all male friends you get used to being insulted, today ive been called a thick fat crack whore lol. Oh how i love my friends :biggrin:

sorry totally off topic, but were you at badminton today (keele new sports hall)? or was it an evil twin?
Reply 7
Class! Who said that...i want to congrat *cough* i mean punch him for being so rude to you!


Reply 8
Keele Uni have taken over this thread, moohahahaha!

Keele Uni is the best.
Reply 9
Keele Uni have taken over this thread, moohahahaha!

Keele Uni is the best.

it is :cool:
Reply 10
Nope i dont play badminton, ohh i have a twin, sounds exciting :biggrin:
Reply 11
Apart from the fact Keele is a massive building site atm...have you noticed? Whereever you turn, building! It ridiculous!

Obviously tho, Keele is still the best because it is just GODLY.
Having all male friends you get used to being insulted, today ive been called a thick fat crack whore lol. Oh how i love my friends :biggrin:

I have loads of male friends who wouldn't dream of saying such things!
Reply 13
Nope i dont play badminton, ohh i have a twin, sounds exciting :biggrin:

I have seen lots of them, i think you were cloned by the US Gov't without your knowledge over the summer and then your clones were sent to Keele to slowly confuse everyone and take over Keele by just mindboggling everyone.

Its obvious.

Bush :wink: :rolleyes:

Reply 14
Apart from the fact Keele is a massive building site atm...have you noticed? Whereever you turn, building! It ridiculous!

Obviously tho, Keele is still the best because it is just GODLY.

i haven't noticed much.. only really been on the HORN and DH building tho :redface: and the sneyd :biggrin:

i'm sorry suzie, but templar is boring.
Reply 15
I have loads of male friends who wouldn't dream of saying such things!

Yeah but its just a laugh, they know i can take a joke and insult them back anyway :biggrin:
Reply 16
DH has loads if you go towards DH0.63...they are converting all these rooms. Lindsey has one hall which is just covered in scaffolding as is part of its car park, library obviously, the Union especially K2 is just all building work. Keele is a building site!

Templar is boring, Lindsey and Union Square is where its at...when its not Tuesday and rock night done at Horwood bar! PIG AND RAT, feck yes.

Reply 17

Templar is boring, Lindsey and Union Square is where its at...when its not Tuesday and rock night done at Horwood bar! PIG AND RAT, feck yes.


might check them out soon yea. Only like going the sneyd because it's halarious playing pool and huge jenga after last orders and a 5 hour session :rofl:
Reply 18
DH has loads if you go towards DH0.63...they are converting all these rooms. Lindsey has one hall which is just covered in scaffolding as is part of its car park, library obviously, the Union especially K2 is just all building work. Keele is a building site!

Templar is boring, Lindsey and Union Square is where its at...when its not Tuesday and rock night done at Horwood bar! PIG AND RAT, feck yes.


Templar is not boring, its the cheapest bar on campus, plus is a min walk away, u just dont go with the right people
Reply 19
Yeh Lounge is not bad on a Saturday/Sunday either, especially when the sport is on...fantastic atmosphere when the Rugby is on, absolutely amazing!

The Guinness starts flowing and everyone has a good time, check out the lounge when the rugger is on :biggrin:
