The Student Room Group

Speed dating?

anyone ever been ?
i'm going to the national catholic youth event and its doing speed dating. im not sure if i shouold sign up for this as i dont know if its right to date people before i am ready to get married. also is it superficial to judge someone you meet within 3 mins? anyone ever had a lastng relationship after one of these? any tips? im also quite shy and im worried it would only be playas and hoes going to that kind of thing, and that all the decent guys/gals will be going to the other alternative - the taize worship at church.

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id go for it. just dont take it too seriously and have fun. you dont have to meet your perfect bf/future husband or whatever your looking for. it might just be a good evening and maybe you will meet some like minded people.
Reply 2
yeah go for it :smile:

I wanna find a speed dating event but how do I find one?
LOL! Your thread title reminds me of a Totally Spies episode, when Clover tried her hands on hypersonic speed dating with like zillions of guys. It was hilarious! In the end, she ended up with ultra-slow dating :p: .

You are already forming a first impression the instant you get to meet with someone, it's normal, but chances are slim that you can have a lasting romantic relationship after one of these but still possible!

I guess that speed dating is more like getting to know a lot of new people within a short timespan and probably befriending them. :biggrin:
Reply 4
yeah go for it :smile:

I wanna find a speed dating event but how do I find one?

are you catholic? had the one i want to go to.

hmm... i do want to make friends but also im staying alone in a hotel that weekend and im afraid of the slim chance that i meet a psycho. but on the other hand i want to meet some fit catholic guys. i also may be too shy. do only desperate people go speed dating? i prefer meeting at parties where you can choose who to talk to. also in 3 mins it will be time pressured and terrifying. hmm....*ponders*
Reply 5
nope I'm not
im also quite shy and im worried it would only be playas and hoes going to that kind of thing,

what, at the national catholic youth event..?
Reply 7
are you catholic? had the one i want to go to.

hmm... i do want to make friends but also im staying alone in a hotel that weekend and im afraid of the slim chance that i meet a psycho. but on the other hand i want to meet some fit catholic guys. i also may be too shy. do only desperate people go speed dating? i prefer meeting at parties where you can choose who to talk to. also in 3 mins it will be time pressured and terrifying. hmm....*ponders*

Lust is sinful
Reply 8
Lust is sinful

'tis true, but it does sound interesting and a good laugh!!!! Unless of course some guy decides to stalk you:eek:

Then not so much of a laugh:frown:
Reply 9
is it superficial to judge someone you meet within 3 mins?

Not really. You are allowed to revise your opinion of them after 3 hours, 3 days, or even 3 years... (That's all though, anything else is banned.)
Reply 10
I went to 1 with my mates was a laugh, however most of the guys there were in their 40's, so not so great
Reply 11
Yeah, they're not really too great...
Reply 12
well i dont think people will be old as the event it 18-30 and im 20. the only alternative is taize worship which i think may be dull. anyway, i've booked myself in so hopefully i can come back married!
anyway, i wasnt going to go, but then i read that speed dating was invented by a Rabbi helping jews marry jews, so it can't be all bad
Reply 13
My brother met his current girlfriend of 11 months through it. Go for it. (He was forced to go by his mate who organised it)
Reply 14
i dont think speed dating in the dark is good. i think looks do always play at least a part in a relationship
no-but ive heard it's fun
Reply 16
i dont think speed dating in the dark is good. i think looks do always play at least a part in a relationship

Again with the lustful thoughts. Off to confession with you!
Go for it!

My friends and I are going to go to one held in the union, it'll be good to meet new people if nothing else! Just have a couple of drinks, if you can, to loosen you up a bit first
Reply 18
Go for it!

My friends and I are going to go to one held in the union, it'll be good to meet new people if nothing else! Just have a couple of drinks, if you can, to loosen you up a bit first

Whereas I will be avoiding it! I think it was the most random "give it a go" I've seen on MUSE so far!
oooh you know you want to come, it'll be a great laugh =p We're not going to th is mondays though, the one in November, I imagine it's sold out by now theres only 50 tickets!