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Dropping out mid year 13?

I'm currently in year 13 of sixth form and I'm hating it, it has become a cycle of misery for me and is turning my life into a complete bore.
I am currently attending a highly pressurised school, and have always been labelled 'intelligent' so my parents have high expectations for me, and want me to continue, however it's making my existence feel unbearable, I know this just isn't the right path for me.
Since the beginning of my first year of sixth form I have been struggling with an eating disorder as well as mild depression, which I guess has also made it tougher for me to concentrate on anything else.
Nearing exam time I have severe anxiety, and the only way I can sit exams is if I feel like I know everything, or I end up having panic attacks, so there isn't really an option for me to take a more relaxed approach to the examination process.
I haven't been attending school for 5 weeks, as I can't cope with the environment and constant testing, however my parents are convinced I am able to go back, I can't put myself through the hell of last year again I'd rather drop out or fail, than feel they way I did around exam time last year and have to listen to everyone rambling on about uni when I have no prospects of going.
I'm currently studying Chemistry, biology and psychology. At AS I got a C in chem, B in biology, B in art and A in psychology. My GCSE's were good, 2 A*'s, 5A's and 2B's.
I started the uni application process as it seemed to be what everyone else was doing, but I was only vaguely interested in the course and i just don't feel it's worth my time or money anymore.
I am also currently working part time and it seems to be the only thing I currently enjoy, but again is taking away from 'valuable study time'. I really just want to know what my options are. I feel like I can't continue with school any further, it's making me feel ill. I have never considered anything else so I feel like I'm clueless to alternatives to A level, I don't want this to screw up my life, but by the way my parents talk if I don't get my A levels I am condemned to a life of manual labor jobs, long hours and rubbish pay, which is making me feel even worse about the whole situation. What should I do and what are my choices from here?
(edited 10 years ago)
Apprenticeship, all the way!!
Reply 2
Original post by JessicaLucy09
Apprenticeship, all the way!!

I'm not really sure what I want to do, so do you think it would be a waste of time?
Well apprenticeships can open your mind more instead of having to choose subjects to learn about you are concentrating on one area and you may find you really enjoy this

If you find you want to do something else you still have experience of work
I stopped caring about my A levels and failed.
I now have an apprenticeship and I know what I want to do with my life
Reply 4
There's no point in finishing A-levels if the whole process is getting you down that much and universities aren't stupid, they'll know if you don't really give a **** about the course you're on and it's a lot of money if you're not interested. Stick with your part time job, maybe try to go full time if you can and look for apprenticeships or education courses at the same time? Try out a few different routes and you'll find something you like, but obviously Sixth Form isn't doing you any favours.
Reply 5
You have put almost all my thoughts into words, although my crash has come a lot later during the year as I hid from the pressure by not working all year.

I am thinking of just giving it all up as im definitely going to fail my exams after achieving great AS results.

What did you do in the end? And how are things
Original post by Le Ta
You have put almost all my thoughts into words, although my crash has come a lot later during the year as I hid from the pressure by not working all year.

I am thinking of just giving it all up as im definitely going to fail my exams after achieving great AS results.

What did you do in the end? And how are things

I’m in the same situation! I know it’s 6 years later and you’ll probably not reply, but I’ll heavily appreciate and update…
Original post by مبحث
I’m in the same situation! I know it’s 6 years later and you’ll probably not reply, but I’ll heavily appreciate and update…

Same situation as well, less than 5 months to finish it all but it just seems i can't do it no more

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