Ok, I'm going to word this carefully as I'm wellk aware that it appears petty. I must, however, stress that it is the priciple of the matter which is bugging me.
I'm female, and live with five other girls. Last night, one of the girls, let's call her X, made plans to go to a club with another of our housemates, for which she required a Student Card, as she'd lost her's. I gladly lent it to her, but joked that she shouldn't lose it.
Anyway, an hour ago, she tells he from the top of the stairs that she has "some good news and some bad news". "The bad news is that i've lost your card, buty mines turned up", which she semed rather amused about. I told her not to worry about it, but had a bit of a grumble. The rest of our house were sat in the lounge, where we then went to sit.
My boyfriend is playing in a very important rugby match tomorrow morning, for which I need my stuident card to enter. Despite my name being on the list, I cannot attend without one. As I won't be able to purchase a new card before 12pm, I'll have missed the match. When I lent X the card, I didn't tell her about this, and I still haven't.
Anyway, we were also planning to go to a club tomorrow for which I'll need the card. I've got a full day of lectures and won't have time to buy a new one in time for that either. So when I was in the room I said "****, I wont be able to come tomorrow cos I dont have a card". At which point, X said "God are you still going on about that?!". For some reason, and I dopnt know why, I apologised for making a fuss and blamed it on being a brat. Wish I hadnt done that. Anyway, when I left the house, she appeared to be ignoring me, or at least behaving a little funny.
Now, I'm really quite angry. When I return home tonight, the subject will be raised. The two housemates in question tend to socialise outside our group although we are friends. Am I over-reacting? It's just that I really wanted to go to my boyfriends bloody match! Its a huge deal for him and I cant quite bring myself round to tell him.