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Reply 1
Glasses are sexy.
To be honest alot of girls don't mind they care about the person inside more.
Reply 3
glasses turn me on

seriously its SO sexy if a guy wears glasses. something about subtle intelligence and its cute mmmmmm :rolleyes:
hi this is a question for the you prefer men with or without glasses..

does it make them look more more inteligent..

im only askin cos i get more attention wen im wearing glasses, lol a friend suggested i didnt notice because i was blind, but i was wearing contacts as it happens.

Glasses are hot! Something to do with an air of mystery and intelligence :rolleyes: . Though I prefer to go on the personality but if he wears glasses too...great!
Reply 5
It doesn't make a difference to me.
Glasses are the sex.
This discussion has been done before, the result being that very few feel glasses have a negative impact on appearance, whereas a fairly significant number said they prefer men with glasses.
Reply 8
Je suis le in :biggrin:
Reply 9
I wear glasses but don't feel comfortable wearing them out.. I don't know why though
^^^^^ You should! ^^^^^^^
I really don't mind. I currently have a crush on a boy with glasses. :redface: He never wears contacts and would probably look weird without glasses.
Reply 12
I wear glasses but don't feel comfortable wearing them out.. I don't know why though

I was like this until bumping into things got more uncomfortable. Now I wear contact lenses.
Reply 13
^^^^^ You should! ^^^^^^^

I think I look too serious when I do :redface:
Reply 14
I was like this until bumping into things got more uncomfortable. Now I wear contact lenses.

Reply 15
i really dnt like it wen ppl say its about personality...because its just not the case 99% of the time.

ppl say its about personality but just dnt want to admit, that they really go for looks.

looks are the 1st impressions you get about some1...its human nature we are attracted to ppl based on physical appearance...our 2nd nature is to the start analysing the personality of the person.

this is why so many realtionships end..cos they were initialy based on looks and then personality was discovered and the ppl involved in the realtionship decided its nt working.
Je suis le in :biggrin:
I am the in :confused:
I would imagine that the type of glasses and the person in question would be a factor. Whereas my glasses may look OK on mey (I hope they do), they may not suit another. And some people like certain types of glasses. Look at Clarence. Pesonaly I don't like the type of glasses she wears, but obviously she does, and I suppose there are others who do as well.
Reply 17
oh yh by the way if ur applying for a job wear glasses to interviews. it really works.

i have found when i wear i pass more job interviews.

ppl instantly assume that you are academically successfull...
Reply 18
geek chique - wear them with pride :biggrin:
Reply 19
They're alright. No particular preference.
But they often add to the 'scruffy and intelligent' look, which is hot.