The Student Room Group

oh no, I've turned nocturnal!

I really think I am. Seriously. Last week I some how managed to stay awake for about 50 hours (student nights out), and so slept all Saturday. I woke up Saturday 8pm, and didn't go to sleep till 4am. I also had weird sleeping times this week, but thought I was ok since I went to sleep at 9pm yesterday and woke up at 9 this morning. Big surprise, it's now half three and I still feel wide awake! That means I now have to stay up all night so I won't risk sleeping in as I have a lecture at 9am.
I feel like I've got jetlag.
Reply 1
i used to be the same, up till stupid early hours, sometimes i wouldnt sleep until 7 or 8am the next day, how did i solve it?? i moved to america, i didnt suffer jetlag as my body clock was already on their time hehe :smile:
Reply 2
That easy huh? Hell, i'm going to move tomorrow.

