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Reply 1
Cook her favourite meal + massages always go down well
It'd be more special if you thought it yourself.
Reply 3
It'd be more special if you thought it yourself.

Yeah lol, u ultimately know ur gf, so come on surely it shouldnt be that hard to think of things she likes to do, or ways to give her a romantic night.
Reply 4
Good meal, get her a present, smile, LISTEN to her, ask her questions, make her feel loved, tell her your plans for future etc
Reply 5
Depends on your budget/what you both like to do..etc as you could do the whole meal followed by swanky hotel with roses on the bed and relaxing bubble bath for two or take her to a gig she'd love or whatever. You really have to decide for yourself...
cook her a meal :p:
Reply 7
i think the fact you want to do something romantic is good enough! I'm sure whatever you do she'll appreciate it, but I'd be really impressed if I was cooked for... and there was wine.... and no parents around. x
Reply 8
i think you should propose! i would love to be proposed to by my boyfriend!!! howveer, if you aint at that stage yet, she might say no - maybe you should not take this advice :p:
Reply 9
how about talking, listening eating comething you both enjoy, a long walk and if ur old enough propose :smile:
Cater to her every need, and finish the night by just letting her rest on you/shoulder. You don't need to be extravagant, you just need to make her feel loved by listening to her and having a good conversation. I always think presents and overblown gestures are a bit desperate, like the relationship is not strong enough that we could just be with each other and that would be enough. But hey ho, good meal, good conversation, bit o' chocolate and that'd do fine :biggrin: xxx
Reply 11
If you have a free house for the evening, the whole meal, present, nice relaxing music (I wouldn't advise tv, unless you plan a film) and just lots of hugs, massages, talking, maybe a bath together.. and then off to bed :wink: :biggrin:

If you don't have a free house, do something for a whole day that you both enjoy or she has a particular interest for. As someone else said, you know her best so you should know what her interests are!
Have a good time!

...It's been too long since I had a romantic evening in :frown: *sigh*
Also, WHY would you post as anon?!?! Very strange...
Reply 13
i think you should propose! i would love to be proposed to by my boyfriend!!! howveer, if you aint at that stage yet, she might say no - maybe you should not take this advice :p:

Reply 14
if this was my boyfriend id think id got the best boyfriend ever, i do have a brilliant boyfriend tho.

on topic: feed her chocs/grapes, have a bath together, massage with massage oil which has lavender in it, watch a romantic film, basically take your time with the evening
Reply 16
Also, WHY would you post as anon?!?! Very strange...
because my girlfriend goes on this more than me i dont want her know i asked you lot for advice that might **** things up lol
aww she'd be happy that u were looking to do things specifically for her its cute
Reply 18
need to make a special night out for my g/f i want to treat her like a goddess that is is i want it to be romantic and special. help need some ideas

Michelin starred restuarants, the Savoy and make her some dumb card or something which makes it look like you care.
Reply 19
Having read the whole thread, just do something that's not lame, i.e. any of the things suggested. They're all too cliched or should happen anyway (listening to her? do you ignore her the rest of the time?).