Like I said, there's this girl at work who I really like but before I make a tit of myself and it gets painfully awkward, resulting in me quitting, I'd like to know if you think she likes me before I make a move.
These are some of the things we've done...
- We've argued with each other (although this was like a playful thing)
- we make funny faces at each other
- I did that test which was in a thread on here somewhere - where you do something and see it it gets copied - well she copied me.
- she's always really touchy with me and smiles at me.
- she asked me to chase her round the room and sit by her
- she playfully put ice down my back
- she called me over and hugged me and kissed me on my hand
- she said that she's really gutted i'm leaving her to go to uni
- but whenever I visit she always makes an effort with me
- she also invited me to her party
but I really can't tell if she just wants to be friends or something more - GOD i'm useless at things like this...
ANY IDEAS that can help a poor guy out - girls can be soo confusing!