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help needed with GF

okay im sorry if this turns into a long post but i really need help.

Thing is me and my GF have been going out for yeras now and over the time i really felt as this girl is one and true love for me and she felt the same way too, however theres now been a problem, the thing both our families dont agree on having BF or GF as due our cultures, the thing is my BF parents found out about is and have actually slapped her when they found out, now the thing is she phoned me saying she wont listen to her parents and she loves me full stop. However im in a total mess, i cant go and see she as we live very far away from each other, she moved from my place 3 months ago and we kept in touch and speek to each other eveyday, also we meet up now again again so its not totaly distance, i'm not worried about the distance in our relationship however about her parents finding out, what do u guys suggest i should do? please help i shall be very thankful
if you have been going out for years, how come her parents have only just found out? if she has moved far away from you then there is not alot you can do regarding the situation with her parents, just be there to support her or whatever if she needs someone to talk to.
Reply 2
The reason they found now is because before we used to meet at school etc; but now as we used to talk on the phone and chat using webcam, i know not a very good thing to do but they heard us speeking.
well whats the problem, do you have different religions or something? all your doing is talking, its a bit ridiculous for them to loose their rag over their daughter talking to someone from a different religion/culture
Reply 4
no we are not from different cultures or religion but they dont like the fact that there can be bf and gf before marrage, they must have heard us say things about how much we love each other and stuff, i really concerned
no we are not from different cultures or religion but they dont like the fact that there can be bf and gf before marrage, they must have heard us say things about how much we love each other and stuff, i really concerned

well in order to marry someone, you need to be in a relationship first, you don't just 'become married' unless of course it's an arranged marriage, it doesn't make sense, there must be something else that is influencing them?
Reply 6
first i like to say thank you for your help! :smile:

umm no thats the reason, yes its silly but thats it, nothing more nor less and its pissing me off big time n making me depressed
how old is she? she isn't going to be under her parents control forever, they can't force her to live her life in a certain way
Reply 8
we are both 18
do her parents know you? have they met you? it seems bizaare that they won't let her daughter be in a relationship just because they believe she should be married, it's essential to have a relationship before you get married. I'm assuming their main concern is that she might loose her virginity before she gets married, assuming that she hasn't already lost it. I guess the only thing you can do in that respect is reassure them that your willing to wait till marriage assuming that you are, I wouldn't lie to them if your not. Is she quite close to her family or does she plan on moving out? is she going to uni?
Reply 10
shes umm at uni and no they havnt met me nor do they know me, i know it is bassar and it maybe so that they are scraed about her loosing her virginity however both of us have no intenion of doin that sort of thing before marrage anyway
you have to remember some cultures dont like men and women to meet unless it is through an arranged marriage - and in these cases the girls are seen to be their parents property until they are married off.

just stick by her and do all you can. Hopefully she'll be able to talk her parents round.
is there no way that you can arrange to meet them? her parents are probably angry because it seems from the facts that you have given, that you both hid this relationship from them, they probably didn't appreciate being kept in the dark about it and their probably wondering why they were kept in the dark. If you introduce yourself and explain why it was kept a secret and they got to know you and stuff, they might be more accepting of you.
Reply 13
The thing is i told my parents about our relationship with her as i was really upset abput the whole thing however the did the same thing, they didnt understand me and said that they agree on love after marrahe thing too, no not a chance in hell i can meet her parents, they would probably kill me for having a realtionship with her in first place
Reply 14
okay im sorry if this turns into a long post but i really need help.

Thing is me and my GF have been going out for yeras now and over the time i really felt as this girl is one and true love for me and she felt the same way too, however theres now been a problem, the thing both our families dont agree on having BF or GF as due our cultures, the thing is my BF parents found out about is and have actually slapped her when they found out, now the thing is she phoned me saying she wont listen to her parents and she loves me full stop. However im in a total mess, i cant go and see she as we live very far away from each other, she moved from my place 3 months ago and we kept in touch and speek to each other eveyday, also we meet up now again again so its not totaly distance, i'm not worried about the distance in our relationship however about her parents finding out, what do u guys suggest i should do? please help i shall be very thankful

me and my g/f parent didn't see eye to eye and things got so bad she left home i was living where i work and my boss said she could not live there with me so i made a choice and it took me seconds to make it so it is the right choise didn't even have to think about it we live together now coming up to a year now together and i am so happy so do what you heart tells you i did and never looked back i am planing on getting married soon live is great just keep you head up and **** the parent they will come round and dont forget give me good rep m8