The Student Room Group

Skip 9th Grade????

Hi, I know this is a stupid question and I doubt this is possible, but can you skip 9th grade? I've always been the smartest one in my grade and get 99 to 100's on everything without trying. I've mever studied for a test in my life so I think if I actually did study I would get flawless grades. I just entered 8th grade, but pretty much all of my friends jsut moved to 9th grade in High School :frown:. When I entered 8th grade I thought about it and realized how bad it sucked haveing all my friends a grade higher than me. So if anyone knows of a case where someone has skipped 9th grade or knows the requirements or if it's possible or not or whatever please let me know. Thanks.

- Kyle Gates
Reply 1
Judging from the fact that you say 'grade', do you live in the US? If so, the education system differs from that over here so I can't really comment.
Reply 2
i skipped the first grade!
but again that was in cyprus, im sure its possible, id get ur parents to talk to your teachers as soon as possible!