During the invigorating sex, why not try and take it very very slowly, so that he comes a lot slower, and then perhaps u may come a little faster, i.e. meet half way. This used to happen to me lots too, being a male though, my ex, came well before me, and well i needed to help myself afterwards all the time, then we both read that we need to meet each other half way, and well when we tried this the first time, it worked wonders, although needed a little perfecting, it was simply awsome. Try it, it does work and most sex therapists im sure would recommend it, the helping yourself bit i find should be the foreplay, and only occur before sex, to warm your selves up, this also could help, if he can control the flow, i.e helping you reach climax, and well he can wait until he enters you for his climax, as it seems to be that you need to speed up, (which is nothing wrong, infact its the better sex when one slows it all down to a rythm) and he needs to slow down!!
Forgive me if i sound harsh, i did not mean to intend any harm!!!