The Student Room Group

Meeting Girls @ Uni!!

Hey, i am not into clubbing or nething like dat, rite........ but where are the best places to meet girls. Girls where yall at during the daytime.

My experience says is the library..... wha yall reckon?

Any of your expereinces in asking girls out, or girls how do yall handle the situation whether or not yall like the guy or not......

Basically, tell me about yall experinces.............. pimps/playas not excluded, lol!
Socities of your interest.
Reply 2
I would, but the fact you use the word 'yall' means im not allowed to tell you.
Reply 3
I'd be very surprised if you'd ever stepped foot in a library before.
Reply 4

Fleece, what you said didnt make sense.
Reply 5
How does it not make sense?

He said in his experience, the library was the best place to meet girls.
Reply 6
I would, but the fact you use the word 'yall' means im not allowed to tell you.

Well, as long as you know what i am talking, don't matter about the slang...what can i say, i love my slang, lol!
Reply 7

It does not interms of the English Language. Ah, sorry i didnt understand what you said anyway. Btw this is offtopic but you look very nice! I have been looking at ur profile picz.

How much? :s
Reply 8
How much? :s

Wow, that's classy. You have talked to girls before, right?
Reply 9
I'd be very surprised if you'd ever stepped foot in a library before.

That is harsh, u don't even know me, that is out of line.....completely........ didn't your parents teach not 2 judge a book by its cover.......
Reply 10
My parents taught me grammar instead.
Reply 11
Right I'm confused as to who's talking to who right now.

And yes Noobster, what I said made sense in terms of the English Language.

as for the newly outed L'il Q: It's the internet. Don't be so offended.
Reply 12

Student Union?

Girls on your course...immediate common interest!

A girl that gives you the 'once over' in the street...if she looks into your eyes then looks down and up again, your in :biggrin:

Reply 13

A girl that gives you the 'once over' in the street...if she looks into your eyes then looks down and up again, your in

Yeh, i get that a lot, or they usually look in the opposite direction...

Gals, check me out.........
Woo big wapper :biggrin:

Li'l Q
That is harsh, u don't even know me, that is out of line.....completely........ didn't your parents teach not 2 judge a book by its cover.......

She isn't. Your posting isnt the best. What is it with the yall, you are in the British Student Room

Girls can be found working hard in lectures like you should be doing. If not they can be found in libraries or at home.