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Huddersfield Uni?

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Reply 400
umm im not sure, i just got loads of information about the course and the uni in a pack type thing... not sure if its for everyone.

Reply 401
Ah fair enough. I got all worried then in case they were for everyone!
Reply 402
Does anyone know anything about scholarships? Is Huddersfield offering any and if so for what? Do you know how to apply?
Reply 403
Woo I recieved my info and cofirmation pack the other day!

Was my last Uni to get a reply from and its the one I want to likely go to the most.

Compared to the confirmation letters from the other universities, Huds was the best and most informative.

I just have to wait for UCAS to update and I still have to go to their Open Day and Bolton's Open Day.

Then the last thing to do is get my arse in gear and sort out my ICT work so I get the grades I need lol
Reply 404
huddersfield rocks guys, you will all love it!! hehe :biggrin:
Reply 405
Does anyone know what Freshers Week 2006 will be like? What was it like last year?
Reply 406
Well, my boyfriend got his letter of acceptance for both of his courses at Huddersfield yesterday. I'm just glad I'll arrive there already knowing someone!
Reply 407
Nice one for the two of you :smile:

Still waiting to hear from my email asking about my Mech Eng application originally sent 3 weeks ago and resent last week. I have the email address for a bloke in the Engineering Dept there, so I think I will send it to him tomorrow :mad:
Reply 408
Thanks :smile:

I actually can't wait! Hehe. My mum's just come back from Bradford with handy advice 'you'll need a coat...'
Reply 409
Good advice that :biggrin:

When I went for the open day it started hoying down and everyone went for their coats/umbrellas - apart from me, who is used to the cold and wet from being from the North East :biggrin:
Reply 410
Haha. When I went to the open day last April it rained too. I had to pity the guys giving directions to everyone though, only having an umbrella and an orange mac to keep them dry.
Hey everyone!

My first post here, however been reading this forum for ages!

I am off to huddersfield university in september (well if I get the 3 C's I need)!

I'm doing accountancy and finance.

I want to go in storthes hall, however having just checked the website where you organise the accomodation it has gone up in price! £73.95 a week is ridicoulous, I was going to go for the premium pack with gym and broadband, however this is now £83.95 a week, compared to the £74.95 last year!^o)

Any one going to the open day on the 8th March?

See you all in september!
Reply 412
Yeah i noticed the price had went up too. I checked it yesterday.
Reply 413
Cheers for pointing this out to me. I wouldnt have realised until I went to book otherwise :frown:

Alreet Nick. Nope, I am not going to the open day. £40 a shot to get there is not good when parents child benefit stuff stops on Friday when I turn 19 :frown:
Very expensive I think. But hey!

I can't wait to go now, am getting so excited! Am bored of the mundane life of 6 form now, I can't wait till september!

Does anyone know when you have to pay for the accomdation deposit and booking fee? Is this when you apply? Will student loan cover this? Or will it come out of my pocket?

Bloody hell mate £40 is alot of money. I am only going as the last time I went I couldn't see the accomadation, but I can next wednesday which should be good.

See you all in september!
Reply 415
I think they will tell you when to pay when you get your results. Not sure like, but it would make sense so you dont pay up for the digs and dont get the results to get there.

Lucky me, I havent had to pay the £40 - mam has. I wont be going back there unless its a requirement. I went for the open day in October or whenever, then to the applicants open day in January (the day before my first Physics exam). At least if I get there I will get a student rail card to get me home cheaper.
Reply 416
Ladies and Gents, I have my last offer from Huddersfield for Mechanical Engineering!

220 points, nowt said about GCSE Maths grade :biggrin:

Now the big thing is to decide which offers to accept. Only want to take one offer from Hudds and use one of my unconditionals as my insurance. Tough thinking time :frown:
Reply 417
Wahey congratulations!

And the Storthes prices have gone up? Darn it!
Reply 418
Grats to all the above :biggrin:

im working my arse off atm to get a BC... I wish i had made my mind up at the begining of sixthform that i wanted to go uni otherwise i wouldnt have pissed about as much grrr lol..

Just handed in unit 6 (databases) for AVCE ICT... 115 page Technical guide i wrote up within a week. Yes im sad that thats all i did for a week but still Huds is better of the Unis i believe that ive applied to.
Reply 419
I do AVCE ICT, i handed in my Unit 6 work in about 5 weeks ago and im due to get it back this week. I hopefully got a B at least but i will work on the improvements to try and get an A.

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