so we all know what youll be living on during uni life then! noodles lol
cant fault ya! although they are quite fattening if you eat em all the time. but thats just me been a health freak! lol! but we can all go to the gym at 6 AM EVERY MORNING and burn em off cant we boyz! lol.
Bit of info if anyones interested:
trials for the university football team are on the 28th of september on the football ptches off leeds road! There will be 2 teams this year. and i hear that last years squad was crap! lol if u get in, training is on a monday night at strothes hall. and most matches will be played on wednesdays.
havnt heard from the girls in quite a while! i think we may have scared them off.
chewy- you havnt been sending them private messsages have you! lol