The Student Room Group

How do you tell someone that they.. smell?


Basically there's this guy i'm really good friends with (perhaps we could be more :suith: ? but that's another story entirely!), he's lovely and all but kinda has a problem with smelling a bit whiffy (b.o) later on in the day! :eek:
I'm pretty sure he doesn't use deodorant all the time, but I know he owns the stuff as i've seen cans of lynx etc in his room.

How do I go about telling him that he really should use deodorant, like, everyday?? I don't wanna offend him (cos I think he might be) :frown: But at the same time, as one of his good friends, I feel its almost my duty to say something.

Anyone had to deal with this before? I'd be interested to know how you managed it!!

p.s I am female
Reply 1
If you want to get really friendly with him, suggest he wears (name of deodorant) because it makes him smell gorgeous? I don't know, have a go.
Reply 2
Have to say I hadn't thought of that.. it's worth a shot I guess?
Reply 3
Absolutely. Maybe he'll make more of an effort if he knows you're keen!
Reply 4
ewww. yes i know exaclty what you mean chicken.

how about when walking somwhere say oooh have u tried this.
lynx always works. persoanlly i find that stuff sex. Just keep going on about it. Umm. also. you could invite him for a bath [of bubles and soap] with yours truley. that would work.
hmm yeah.
sorry. am tipsy. in the morning I'll be full of advice and knoweldge.
Im the morrrning *hums to the coral*
Reply 5
As you are good friends with the possibility of more on the horizon, tell him - friends can do that; plus you are being a friend by telling him. It would be worse if someone he didn't know would tell him.

Good luck!
i agree that lynx is teh sex lol
lynx is abit too strong for me. If my boyfriend smells, I tell him. He may not notice he does.

I had a female friend who smells of BO. No one had the guts to tell her, so I just came out with it, and she got offended and denied smelling.

She then asked another friend if what I said was true. Of course, she figured she did smell, and I recommended her a deodorant . She now doesn't smell and everything smells nice.

My advice, tell him "I think you need to use deodorant" and take it from there.
Reply 8
We have a guy like that in my class he fecking stinks every day he always wears the same clothes and he's a "big boned" guy it was the same last year but no one wants to tell him we don't want to hurt him and we dont want to get beat up is another reason.
Reply 9
talk to him one day about deodrants, and anti persperants and stuff. and then ask him what he thinks of them, its a way around it. recommend using roll on because it keeps you 'fresh' all day, but i don't think you need to imply its because he smells.

mind you if he's the type who listens to his friends, you coming out with ''you know you smell of b.o'' shouldn't offend him too much, he should appreciate how you have said it to him so he's not had to hear it from someone else.

or you could get someone else to just say it to him, and then help him?
You could say when someone passes you 'my god that man stinks! I hate it when guys don't use deodrant it makes them smell so bad!' :biggrin: nice and obvious! hehe x
Reply 11
What if it is a teacher?
Reply 12
"my God Man Have You Been Swimming In Sh*t Or Something?"

edit: that was supposed to be in caps lock but seems this is noob proof
Reply 13
Say to him that YOU are sometimes worried that YOU might smell.
Hopefully, he will say that that is not true (:rolleyes: ) and it will get HIM thinking
Reply 14
lynx smells like garbage. get some proper stuff. or aftershave. just not lynx....

Basically there's this guy i'm really good friends with (perhaps we could be more :suith: ? but that's another story entirely!), he's lovely and all but kinda has a problem with smelling a bit whiffy (b.o) later on in the day! :eek:
I'm pretty sure he doesn't use deodorant all the time, but I know he owns the stuff as i've seen cans of lynx etc in his room.

How do I go about telling him that he really should use deodorant, like, everyday?? I don't wanna offend him (cos I think he might be) :frown: But at the same time, as one of his good friends, I feel its almost my duty to say something.

Anyone had to deal with this before? I'd be interested to know how you managed it!!

p.s I am female

By the way, lynx isn't an antiperspirant. It won't prevent you from sweating.
By the way, lynx isn't an antiperspirant. It won't prevent you from sweating.

Lynx is antiperspirant. I take it you have not seen disgusting advert? Ha, Ha! :smile:
By the way, lynx isn't an antiperspirant. It won't prevent you from sweating.

Unless it's... err... Lynx antiperspirant.

Anyway, I have a mate who like NEVER brushes his teeth, and his breath smells like something crawled into his mouth and died. It's horrifying. Like... you don't want to talk to him for too long because you might vomit. Or say if you're playing a quiz machine and he's leaning over, you'd deliberately lose just so you can run awaaaay.

Eventually, one of my other friends (a gay guy, which made it even funnier because of the camp way he said it) just cracked and shouted at him "Good god man! Your breath ****ing reeks! BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!!". Heheh.
Toy Soldier
Anyway, I have a mate who like NEVER brushes his teeth, and his breath smells like something crawled into his mouth and died. It's horrifying. Like... you don't want to talk to him for too long because you might vomit. Or say if you're playing a quiz machine and he's leaning over, you'd deliberately lose just so you can run awaaaay.

Eventually, one of my other friends (a gay guy, which made it even funnier because of the camp way he said it) just cracked and shouted at him "Good god man! Your breath ****ing reeks! BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!!". Heheh.

Ancient Native American proverb says "Only people with halitosis tell you secret." :smile: