Bad, overall. Maths coursework, yes - I'm working through some right now and there's a lot of pointless stuff to do generally. Maths is one of those subjects where coursework doesn't completely make sense to me - ditto Science, in some ways. They're quite academic, exam-orientated subjects, as I perceive them, whereas I can understand that more creative subjects need the more extended periods of time and the freedom that coursework provides.
People have argued that they struggle with nerves etc in exams but find coursework fine - I think it's fair to give people a chance this way, even though I'm happy doing exams myself. But I much prefer the freedom of coursework - being able to go onto a computer, delete things rather than crossing them out and having to write tiny to fit new ones in, being able to delete stuff and whatever. I also like the opportunity to research stuff properly.
What are they going to do about music coursework, anyway? It's not really practical to do the same level of composition as an exam, for a start - while the ABRSM music theory exams include a bit of composition, I don't think they could work that into a GCSE in exam format.
I know some people do cheat on coursework, but a lot of these are caught when someone realises the style's wrong, and if they needed to cheat on coursework, chances are they'll do badly the exam anyway! I think this minority of people isn't significant enough to warrant scrapping coursework that's useful for the majority.