The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Are you sure its over? The thing is its not fair to end it and then get all jealous they get with someone else. Have you spoke to your partner?
I think most people get a little bit jealous when they see an ex with someone new, it's just seeing them get over you quicker than you got over them. But if you were the one to end it, you don't really have the right to get upset about it as they have smply moved on.
Reply 3
Heehee wow this sounds familiar :P I broke up with them anyway, and they got a new gf but it helps you get over them quicker. Now I know I'm free to meet someone else now :smile: (I was always in fear 'mr right' would come along when I was with my ex)
Reply 4
Have you spoken to your partner about how you feel?
Obviously if you break up with someone, you will still harbour some feelings for that person so of course it will hurt slightly to see them with someone else. But if you're really unhappy with your partner then in the long term it's best to break up x
Reply 6
LadyEnglish, you do tend to have a habit of explaining the blatantly obvious to people. I hope you don't do that in real life lol.
LadyEnglish, you do tend to have a habit of explaining the blatantly obvious to people. I hope you don't do that in real life lol.

:biggrin: lol well sometimes it's the blatantly obvious that people don't see :p: I'm afraid i have been rather influenced by my english teacher to always point out the obvious, and being surrounded by idiot friends who 9 times out of 10 do miss the blatantly obvious lol, so yes, force of habit im afraid :biggrin: x
Reply 8
lol :smile:
Reply 9
Has anyone else here known that it's time to break up with your partner, but that more than anything you don't want to see them with someone else?

when you feel like its the right time to break up with your partner, it usually means that you want to move on and you think they should too.
yeah its natural for some not to be able to see them with someone else, and it may hurt, but if you can do it why can't they?
if you're sure you want to end it, you've got to expect them getting with someone else, its only natural.

i think you may just be looking for time apart if you can't bear to see them with someone else, perhaps not a full on break-up.
Reply 10
I'm tired of being the one person she doesn't seem to give a crap about - I mean I sometimes feel I'm the only keeping this relationship apart. She knows I love her like mad, but I'm starting to question how she feels about me...
Reply 11
stop questioning yourself and ask her.
i think you'd rather know straight from the horses mouth now than later, when it probably will hurt more.

and if the worst comes to worst, put it this way, i know you guys will have to move on but at least it means you will meet someone who won't make you question how they feel about you, because they won't give you a reason to question.
Well with my ex i knew for a long time before hand it was time to break up but i just too scared to go ahead and do it, it was only when she called my then best friend now girlfriend a w**** that it made me dump her and i couldn't careless if she is with anybody else.

But in your situation you need to talk to her and tell her how you feel, and as others said if worse came to worse it might be best calling it a day, maybe she's shy or not ready for all this yet.