The Student Room Group

Nervous --> illness. Help me

I'm a shy and quiet person normally, even around people I know quite well. I recently moved away from home for university and my problem has gotten worse.

Basically I get nervous about things all the time. If someone suggests we do something that I have never done before, I get really worried about it. The worrying normally gets to the extent that I get stomach pain and diarrhoea/flatulence because of it. Now that this pattern has started, I get worried about the fact that I will get worried and have the symptoms, if you know what I mean.

It's taking over my life. If I want to go out somewhere, I always think, could I get to a loo if I needed? I don't like having to walk places incase I get stuck half way. I'm so embarrased. :frown:
Reply 1
umm i get how u feel, i used to exactly the same but not that the extent you are, i think u have got to learn to be confident with youself, yes it is scary doing things you have never done before but look at it this why, if u never do anything new then well u cant really do much can you? just be comfortable with what u do and give it ur all :smile:
have you always been like this? is your stomach bad everyday or does it just happen when someone asks you if you want to do something? have you seen a doctor? have you looked up techniques for keeping calm when you feel like this?... sorry for all the qu marks!