The Student Room Group

He sickens me.

So I've kinda got a strange problem here, but I'm posting on behalf of someone else, so I can pass on advice if it's possible but would still prefer to keep it anon.

There's this guy who quite clearly likes someone else. He is the exact opposite of the person in question and has little to nothing in common with them. He's the type of guy who would deeply criticise and views the world in one way and the type that would make them feel invalidated for being different to him. He basically thinks of things in terms of simple right and wrong. There are other things about him that I wont go into, but apparently there have been incidents and its known for a fact that he overanalyses every single detail about it in an almost stalkerish way. There have also been anonymous calls and letters and things like that.

This other person doesn't like the guy in question and finds him obsessive and sickening is the word they used. The point is are they going over the top, or do they have a point? Should they completely forget this guy exists, or confront him about it and tell him that it's extremely uncomfortable and makes them nervous/feel sickened by it?

That's probably confusing, but it's the best I can explain this really messed up situation.

All advice is welcome.
Reply 1
Didn't mention: The anonymous calls and letter and other things, can't be sure it's him, but it most likely is, as there's no-one else who could or would have done it.
Reply 2
If you feel uncomfertable around someone and they constantly hound you and almost stalk you it isn't a good situation to be in.

They should confront them first about the situation and explain how they feel. If he carries on though there are always restraining orders
Reply 3
Good point. It's definitely doesn't seem like an over-reaction. Although I sort of agree with your advice I would have told them to just pretend like they don't exist. That could make things worse though.
Reply 4
Call the police.