what is it like? say your an average guy with a petite girl or vise versa, or tall, or bigger. is it just as nice as kissing someone similar is size to you ie normal or less nice? question to boys and girls.
I dont mean bending over and kissing etc, i don't mean the height aspect specifically although most petite people tend to be short, i mean small in size, small boned like, say you both were sitting down and kissing, if one of you like had a smaller mouth.
my boyfriend is basically a foot taller and we're ok. I have to say that I never particularly thought shorteer people had small mouths, it would look rather odd.
Should never matter. I'm 6'3'' and have kissed a girl who's a foot smaller. Also have a mate who is 6'6'' and his gf is about 5'2''. Where there's a will there's a way!
Yeah, size can matter. Not that it'll matter alot, but it can be annoying - I'm 5'1 and my ex was 6'4! Jesus, I'd give him back problems eventually!? I sometimes stood up on the couch to give him a break!!!
Height differences really can be quite annoying but if you like each other you just work around them. It's not enough of an issue to really make a difference.