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Reply 1
Have you never seen the yellow pages advert?
LOL so true my gf is a foot shorter than me i love just bending down to kiss her with her on her tip toes...i think its cute :smile:
My girlfriend is alot shorter than me and it makes no difference when kissing, size should not matter.
Reply 4
Doesn't matter. Ever.
Reply 5
I dont mean bending over and kissing etc, i don't mean the height aspect specifically although most petite people tend to be short, i mean small in size, small boned like, say you both were sitting down and kissing, if one of you like had a smaller mouth.
Reply 6
my boyfriend is basically a foot taller and we're ok. I have to say that I never particularly thought shorteer people had small mouths, it would look rather odd.
Reply 7
President Jesus
Doesn't matter. Ever.

Reply 8


exactly.. if u wanna kiss somone, you will find a way even if said person is the BFG :p:
Reply 9
Doesn't matter if you're lying down.
Should never matter. I'm 6'3'' and have kissed a girl who's a foot smaller. Also have a mate who is 6'6'' and his gf is about 5'2''. Where there's a will there's a way!
Reply 11
Im 5.9 and I refuse to pull anyone taller than me. I couldnt go out with anyone even a cm taller than me. Just doesnt feel right.
Also have a mate who is 6'6'' and his gf is about 5'2''.

Now that's just a bit freakshow...
Yeah, size can matter. Not that it'll matter alot, but it can be annoying - I'm 5'1 and my ex was 6'4! Jesus, I'd give him back problems eventually!? I sometimes stood up on the couch to give him a break!!! :biggrin:
Reply 14
I like it when the guy's short enough for me to walk all over him.

Reply 15
Height differences really can be quite annoying but if you like each other you just work around them. It's not enough of an issue to really make a difference.
im 4ft10 and my boyf is.. 6ft.. and its not been a problem!!

he seems to think its really cute me having to look up at him anyway
Reply 17
Im 6'4 and have been out with someone thats about 5'1, it really wasn't an issue.
The girl I like is 2 inches taller than me.
Reply 19
i had no problems kissing my ex and he was about 2 inches shorter than me