The Student Room Group
Reply 1
In a word.
no, you don't need to, unless the pain is very bad. when mine were coming thru, i got pain for about a week, on and off. but make sure u keep the area clean. mine were growing at a weird angle so i couldn't clean it properly and had to get it taken out after i got an absess. :frown:
Reply 3
nah it comes and goes. They take years to come through and the pain is bad for a few days and then it goes for months and comes back. Just wash your mouth out with some brandy or something. Or there is some uber mouthwash you can get from the dentists.
Reply 4
Mine have been coming in for a while now, like the person above me says, the aching pain seems to come and go. If it's really hurting then obviously go to the dentist because there could be some kind of complication. Otherwise just wait, and enjoy your new wisdom :biggrin: xx
Reply 5
Wisdom teeth are annoying, I already have 2 through but have one coming through at the top and its taking forever... its been trying to break through the gum for about a year but never has, and every time it has a 'spurt' it really kills!

Take ibuprofen for the pain and keep the area clean, use mouthwash if you need to. If you get any other symptoms like a sore throat, spots on the back of your throat etc then see your GP, as I had a nasty throat infection not long ago when my wisdom tooth had a spurt.