Yes, i was wondering why you feel you want to lose weight. By your stats and your BMI you appear healthy. If it is because you feel you weigh to much thatss probably because of your muscle mass.
But if you want to lose weight, the best thing to do is to take up cardivascular exercise (swimming, running, dancing, boxing, anything that gets your heart rate up) three times a week and do muscle toning on alternate days to your cardio (you still need to tone your msucles as they help to burn calories too and its good to keep building muscle if you reduce your calories so you body doesn't start to use your muscles for energy= very bad).
Reduce your calorie intake by 500 cals, so around 2000 (i'm assuming you're male). If you find that you're still are not losing weight whilst reducing your calories and exercising, you can reduce your calories intake by a further 500 cals a day.
Good weight loss is about 1/2lbs a week, this weight will usally stay off for good and be easy to maintain. Fast weight loss will be put back on very quickly and is only short term.
Another thing to do if you are stil not losing weight is to vary your workout, maybe switch from one activity to another on alternate days or take up new ones, his is because you're body can get used to the same routine and you may not be working your body hard enough to lose pounds. Also you may get bored too.
As someone mentioned before 100g of carbs a day is a good amount if you can live of that. it can make you tired and it can make it harder to work out. 30g of protein per meal is good for each meal. You could also try potein shakes, but they usually help to build muscle.
I hope this was of some help. I hope it helps you in some way. I have been/am still going through the weightloss process myself. I put weight on due medication so i have researched all this and its working on me.
Some days you may have bad days, but you just have to keep going.