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exciting hot date - any advice?

I can't believe my luck. I've just been asked out by the most gorgeous guy in my year at uni. I never in a million years thought I'd get a guy like him. So we're meeting next week for a few drinks, I'm really looking forward to it but I need a bit of advice - I'm a little bit shy sometimes and I often find it difficult to talk without asking boring questions like what music do you like etc. Any ideas to break the ice?
Reply 1
Get pissed or failing that master plan. Just be yourself as if he likes you you cant really go wrong. It doesnt matter if you ask him boring questions like "what music do you like?" Just as long as you dont talk about girly things like some bird did the other day when she started chatting about the barmaid hair??? Men dont care about this just as if I started talking about Formula 1 to you. Just keep the conversation going and your both start relaxing and it will flow. If it all goes tits up just be sure to know it was only going to go one way but that is extremely unlikely.
I went rollerblading yesterday for the 1st time and it was a great ice breaker if you dont mind laughing at yourself. I was all over the shop but it was a good laugh and got speaking to loads of people id just ran into. Something like that maybe good at the start of the night. Also plenty of bodycontact as he can lead you round or the other way round if he is as useless as I was.
Reply 2
Actually, I love formula one. I'd easy talk about that!
Barmaid's hair my arse....
Reply 3
Well your obviously not a girly girl and that gives you a massive convo advantage. Football, Rugby, Formula 1 your be laughing.
Reply 4
the thread title kinda scared me.. lol

cut out the "excitement"... get to know him first! remember its just a date... the chances are 50-50... depends on how you play it... if you want the chances in your favour, you gotta do your part

play hard to get, get HIM into you....

dont GIVE IN easily... or he will lose respect for you, use you, dump you.... typical guy stuff

get to know him

and also JKing is right... so follow that advice too :smile:

and you'll be fine

and have fun and good luck :wink:
Well your obviously not a girly girl and that gives you a massive convo advantage. Football, Rugby, Formula 1 your be laughing.

That's only if the guy she's talking to is interested in those subjects!

I wouldn't mind a conversation about something philosophical every now and again with a girl, I have to say I'm yet to find a girl who stimulates my mind as much as she stimulates me in 'other areas'. I'm sure she'll come along soon enough.

Back on topic, if you don't know the guy very well, get him to tell you a bit about himself (not "What music do you like?", more "So, what's your story?"), show a keen interest in him as well as formula one :wink:

This is a bit tricky, can't say I've been on a date with a girl who I haven't known for a short period of time in a while :rolleyes:

Just enjoy it!
I can't believe my luck. I've just been asked out by the most gorgeous guy in my year at uni. I never in a million years thought I'd get a guy like him. So we're meeting next week for a few drinks, I'm really looking forward to it but I need a bit of advice - I'm a little bit shy sometimes and I often find it difficult to talk without asking boring questions like what music do you like etc. Any ideas to break the ice?

For starters, be prepared to accept a possible rejection. Going out for a few drinks at the SU (I assume) doesn't sound like too much of a dating session to me. Aside from that, knock back a few vodkas and it should be a fun night.
Also, I never thought 'getting someone' entailed going out for drinks with them. :s
get her drunk :biggrin: im drunk now ..... it make people much more ameniable:biggrin:
**** him : him im so sorry... *must read posts*
Reply 9
For starters, be prepared to accept a possible rejection. Going out for a few drinks at the SU (I assume) doesn't sound like too much of a dating session to me. Aside from that, knock back a few vodkas and it should be a fun night.
Also, I never thought 'getting someone' entailed going out for drinks with them. :s

No, we aren't going to the Union so you assumed wrong :p:
Why have you gone anonymous? You sound familiar, in a weird sort of way :confused: