The Student Room Group

Worried about my Da!

Heya everyone, I need a little advice on a situation...

Background! My Da's pretty successful; he works for a global corporation, and he's pretty high up (can't give the name or position, as you can then Google him and find out who he is, which would be...well...a bit of a privacy invasion, TBH). And, as you might imagine, he's under a lot of stress :frown:

Now, normally he copes with it pretty well; he works really hard during the week and then utterly chills at the weekend (no calls, no paperwork, no nothing), but this weekend, it's all gone a bit pearshaped.

First! We were meant to be going to Scotland vs France tomorrow/today (Saturday that is, but it depends how you look at it :redface:), but in what has quickly become a massive screw up, the tickets have wound up en route to America - where my step-mother lives - due to lack of communication between her and our part-time house-keeper. So you can imagine, we're both a little pissed off.

Second! We're having a bit of work done on our house at the moment, and within the last two weeks the builders have managed...nothing. I haven't been here for two and a half weeks, but as far as I can see, they've barely moved on at all. And that's pissed my Da off no end; he actually was shouting at me - Well! Not at me, per se, but we were talking and he was just frustrated, and I can totally see why, so I ain't holding it against him.

Third! He's just had a ridiculously hard week; he had to go to Shanghai, then somewhere in Japan (can't remember where), then America, and finally the Netherlands. So he's absolutely ker-nackered.

So basically, I'm worried that he's stretched to breaking point at the moment; we were meant to have a fun weekend with a bit of fitba', and then maybe a visit to the pub, but now he's just tired and angry.

Do you guys think there's anything I can do to help him out? I've done the shopping for the weekend and the cooking (well, some cooking and some 'reheating' :redface:), and I've rented a few DVD's for us to watch whilst chilling out; but I don't think it's enough :frown: Any advice would be hugely appreciated; childist jibes will not.
Reply 1
You can only keep doing what you're doing; take some pressure off your old man and offer reassurance. You've had maybe a bit of bad luck, but they say it comes in threes.
Reply 2
He'll be ok. If he didn't think he could take the responsibility after the amount of time doing it he'd have stopped it. I'm sure your concern is of no need. It's not for you to relax him because he pushes himself to that level of stress.