The Student Room Group
Reply 1
well you can still go out for a drink; just don't buy yourself alcohol.
Reply 2
well you can still go out for a drink; just don't buy yourself alcohol.

well that wont look good.
"i've heard *name of film* is reali reali good, are you free *name of day* cos i fancy some company to see it?" rmember... alweays make it specific... then if she says no it could just be the time so you can come back with "how about another time?":biggrin: gud luck..
Reply 4
How about u guys go to a themepark???? or beach????or hmmm some party maybe???
Reply 5
well that wont look good.

And why not? Soon as you explain you're a Muslim and you don't drink, she'll understand.
Reply 6
If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, if you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain, if you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape, then I'm the love that you've looked for. Write to me and escape.
Reply 7
Reply 8
how about breakfast?

a decent cooked/continental breakfast somewhere isn't that much compared to cinema, drinks or a proper meal.
Well a guy I know has invited me over to his house to play board games with him....whatever floats your boat!
well that wont look good.

Why? Not drinking alcohol is part of who you are... it shouldn't matter to anyone else, its your choice.
Reply 11
Ask her out for a coffee then!