The Student Room Group

Have you ever...

...seen a girl or guy somewhere you like and just started talking to them randomly? And how did they respond?

The thing is, i have just moved to a new city and school and now i have to take the bus to school everyday. At the bus stop in the mornings, sometimes i see this guy (who looks scarily like Jensen Ackles - who is totally hot btw :p: ) who waits for the same bus..and i kind of really like him. He gets off before me and i think i know which school he goes to. the thing is i find myself attracted to him even though i have never talked to him and i know nothing about him. So im wondering if i should just leave it and just continue as the way it is or find some way to talk to him. However i think it would be really weird and awkward if i just started talking to him at the bus stop or on the bus cos its usually really quite crowded, on a school morning as well.

I have never done anything like striking up a random conversation with a stranger unless i need to ask them something. So help! What do you think i should do? Let it pass or not? And if you're a guy, what would you do or think if a girl at a bus stop on a school morning just started talking to you?

And if you think i should talk him, how do you think i should start the conversation?
Reply 1
talking to strangers IS how you make friends, so talk to him

hey, did you know you look like ...
oh thanks
so how was your weekend?
oh btw im...
Reply 2
oh and i am a really shy kinda person, so argh the thought of speaking to him randomly scares me...
Reply 3
And once when i sat next to him on the bus he kept making this sighing noise, what does this mean? That he was distressed or just an indication he wanted me to leave so he can sit by himself??:confused:
In answer to the thread, of course...

What have you got to lose? It's all about taking chances, if all goes well then great, if it doesn't, at least you'll hopefully have some confidence for next time...

Depends on the person, if someone came up to me and started talking to me...i could either be incredibly flattered yet feel bad because i don't fancy the person, or i could be really into her as well and really glad she came over and started talking to me...but you'll never know if you don't try...

Just start off with easy stuff, 'oh do you have the time?' you go to school xyz?' etc.. or maybe try and catch him off guard and make a witty observation about the weather or some other such irrelevant topic...
Ask the time?
Reply 6
i think you should try it! whats the harm?
i mean just like walk over to him, and say ''i see you everyday here, just thought i'd say hi, you go to so and so school don't you?''

and take it from there.
im sure he'd like it, people like being spoken to, guys especially are flattered by it.
obv don't go red and stutter when you talk to him, because that can happen too lol!
ive started talking to random people at the bus stop and stuff. yes they probably think im crazy but i will never see them again so who cares
Reply 8
I ended up getting it on with my 'bus boy'- albeit a year after he'd stopped getting the bus! I wasn't brave enough to just chat to him, especially as he was often with friends, but we did get to the sort of *raises eyebrows in acknowledgment* stage, and later to the "hello" stage. Luckily it turned out one of my friends vaguely knew him and we got together. I'd suggest you started saying hi when you saw him, then one day when you're feeling brave move on to "how are you?". Hopefully you'll like his personality as much as his looks..