The Student Room Group

gcse art marks

was just wondering.....
ive done my exam and handed everything in.
my art sent off the predicted grades last week.
this week she will mark everyones work 3 units and exam.
then next week all the art teachers get together and look at everyones to make sure its marked properly well they moderate it i think.
then the actual grades get sent off to the exam board and they will pick a few to moderate so the work will be layed out at school and they will check its marked fairly.
if the three peoples work is marked down or too high all the worked gets remarked by the exam board.

so my question is do we get to know our marks when its all been moderated and there hasn't been any problems. for me that would be in the next week or so. or does the teacher just keep to themsevles what we got and we find out on results day?
do we at least get to know what we got in the coursework?
like in d t the work got moderated and after we got told what we got but unlike art i suppose we still have to sit a written paper.

but if my art teachers the examier then surely we don't have to wait til results day?
Yeh my art teacher marked our work too for gcse, but we had to wait till results day in August. It sucks, knowing that he has the marks but he wont let you see them
sont worry too much. Im sure your great an art by looking at what uve said in previous threads. Just concentrate on all the other gcses your doing know, dont worry to much becuase im sure youl gwt at the leas an 'A' A*'s are hard to get in art but i feel u cud a achieve it. Do u mind putting in a link to see some of your work, i want to see how gud u are (although i suspect ur fantastic) :biggrin:
Reply 3
You don't get your results until summit like 26th August don't you, GCSE? Dunno if you've found out your result by now but officially they're not allowed to tell you and you gotta find out on results day. Hehe, speaking of which, I managed to get my teacher to hint at what I got for my art AS and his hint is an A. Anything below that I'd kill myself :cool: - Don't worry about your art GCSE. It's an absolute doddle. It's soo easy to pass I doubt you'll get lower than a B. (Which brings the question - how DO people manage to get Gs and Fs in art GCSE????? It's happened before....) And anyway, I doubt it's a crisis you can still study it at A-Level even with a D, if carrying on is what you want. (Although if you're good at art to get anything close to a C may be a massive crisis personally - I know if I got a B I would be so disappointed I wouldn't talk about it at all - fingers crossed, hope I've got an A this yr :biggrin: )

Best of luck with your art! But then again I don't suppose you need luck :wink:
you have to wait till results day-even though the teacher marked them during moderation the results could go up, down or just stay the same. Even if the moderator says they wont change the grade it doesnt always happen because my teacher gave 10A*'s last year, the moderator agreed but then nobody got an A* so it would be irresponsible of a teacher to even hint at your grade.
you have to wait till results day-even though the teacher marked them during moderation the results could go up, down or just stay the same. Even if the moderator says they wont change the grade it doesnt always happen because my teacher gave 10A*'s last year, the moderator agreed but then nobody got an A* so it would be irresponsible of a teacher to even hint at your grade.

My art teacher gave out likely art grades on book return day (at the end of exams) shortly after moderation, and because he's the oldest teacher in the school and a chief moderator I think I'd trust his grades... plus he told people when he thought they were near a borderline that is likely to move. He said I've probably got an A, and if the boundary moves a lot I'll get a B. I'm happy, I was expecting a B at the very best.
Apparently, in Art you need to give Blood along with awesome work to get an A.
Reply 7
Apparently, in Art you need to give Blood along with awesome work to get an A.

But, but I never gave blood! :eek: :frown:

I'm doomed :frown:

EDIT: And my work wasn't that awesome either...
Apparently, in Art you need to give Blood along with awesome work to get an A.

I gave blood at the end in the last few weeks (after not giving a shit for 4 terms), but I don't know about awesome work. I think it's mainly about effort and amount of relevant work than quality, except for final pieces (which make up only 1/4 of the mark).
I gave blood at the end in the last few weeks (after not giving a shit for 4 terms), but I don't know about awesome work. I think it's mainly about effort and amount of relevant work than quality, except for final pieces (which make up only 1/4 of the mark).

i had better get atleast a B at AS-i think i gave my work atleast a couple of pints of blood
i had better get atleast a B at AS-i think i gave my work atleast a couple of pints of blood

From what I've heard about A-level Art, that isn't nearly enough...
Reply 11
i had better get atleast a B at AS-i think i gave my work atleast a couple of pints of blood

Do you mean *literally* give blood? :eek:

I didn't give blood like that for my gcse art... although I did end up missing the actual art exam because I was in hospital and I lost a bit of blood in there, but that wasn't because of art...


Do you mean *literally* give blood? :eek:

I didn't give blood like that for my gcse art... although I did end up missing the actual art exam because I was in hospital and I lost a bit of blood in there, but that wasn't because of art...

no i didnt actually give blood but the amount of times i cut myself with a craft knife this year i might aswell i am really not good with craft knives..

From what I've heard about A-level Art, that isn't nearly enough...

arrgghh more worries to add to my pile concerning art..ah well i did my best by staying after school to work for a few hours each week and sitting in the cupboard (dont worry it is huge!!) in most frees to work..aswell as working at home..