The Student Room Group

feeling guilty, should I feel like this though?

At the beginning of September I met this really nice guy and for 3/4 weeks we spent pretty much all of our time together, going out, staying at home meeting each others parents etc etc. Then he went off to uni:frown: obviously couldnt be helped but was pretty upset by it. He said to me the day before he went that we couldnt really carry on as we were while he was at uni which was fair enough even if I didnt want it to be like that. Wasn't really fair on him as uni is such a massive new thing that he needs to experience everything and thats how Id feel if I was going! but...what made it worse was that he said if he wasnt going to uni then he'd have no problem being bf and gf! So I know that he likes me enough in a way.... Since he's been away we've been talking/texting/msning(new word:p: ) and generally getting on well. But on Friday night I went out with my friends, got very very drunk and kissed some guy(wasnt a complete random stranger), but I realised as I was kissing him that I didn't want to be doing it and immediatly thought of the guy that had gone to uni! I feel so guilty that I did it, even though we have no obligation to one another to be faithful or anything. On the one hand Im so scared of him finding out(which is possible) as I dont want it to affect anything between us, but at the same time I can't be expected to put my life on hold when he's doing god knows what at uni can I?? He promised that when he comes down here to see his dad at xmas that he'd come and see me so I dont want to ruin the chances of seeing him again..... really dont know waht Im actually talking about now:p: but I shouldnt be feeling guilty should I? I still like him as much as I did before as a drunk kiss is just that, a drunk kiss!
Reply 1
A drunk kiss is just a drunk kiss.

It's obvious that you feel a commitment to this guy because you wouldn't think about him when kissing someone else if you didn't. Stay close friends with him and see what happens, but don't let that friendship get in the way of you living your life.

Reply 2
Weeeell, he did break up with you before technically you're not going out.
Reply 3
I'm in a similar situation myself. My boyfriend and I have split up because we're at universities at opposite ends of the country but on some level I still feel I'm his girlfriend... but I'll get over that, just need some time and distractions.

But anyway, you guys are not together. It's fine for you to kiss other people, don't feel guilty.