The Student Room Group
Don't reply to him, sounds like a bum if he's cheating. Ask him what the hell he is upto, maybe he is just having probs with his gf and thinks he can have a bit of 'relief' with you. Sounds like he's playing the field...xx
Reply 2
Just ignore him no matter how hard it is.
Reply 3
Yes. Unless he can give you his full attention (which he obviously cant as he has a girlfriend) then stay away! Think how you'd feel if you were his girlfriend, it cant be very nice to be in her position.

If you want to get back with him then thats fine, but you need to make it clear to him that unless he finishes with this other girl, you're not interested. If he's not willing to do that then tell him to get lost!
DO not respond to him as the others have already said, put yourself in the shoes of his girlfriend how would you feel if it was you.
Reply 5
I've asked him several times why he is asking for a picture from me etc and he doesn't reply. I'll give him one final text telling him to not mess with my head. You cant control love or emotions and I dont want to let him play with them.