The Student Room Group

Security @ Uni fancies me part 2

Was at the club yesterday, I went upto him and said "my mate thinks ur fit" and he was like ah.. but I like someone else and i cant tell her because im shy! I was like.. who is it? then he said it was me and he asked me out for a drink but told me to think about it first.. anyway I got totally drunk and got off with the security guy. Anyway he got my number and he texted me last night saying "I hope you got home alright" etc.

I think he's cool, but do you think it would make things awkward if I had a relationship with him? I mean I'm at the place he works like 3 nights a week or so. And if we had arguments or break ups then it would effect us quiet a lot since we have to see each other in the club or I have to avoid going there (which I won't do!)

So many guys hitting on me too, so he's bound to get jealous. I'm also quiet confident and outgoing, so I get talking to lots and lots of guys.

I'm lost and I don't know what to do! Wise idea to go out with him or not?
Reply 1
3 nights a week? Don't you go to any other places apart from the uni? (unless you work there). If it doesn't work out just go to a different place if it bothers you. As for guys hitting on you, if you're with this guy you should quickly tell the guys hitting on you where to go instead of leading them on and making another guy jealous.
Reply 2
Why don't you get a life and stop being so bitter?
Reply 3
and that's because?
Reply 4
Me, me, me, me.

Go gargle on some semen. That's what you need.
Ermm, is the club really small? Because I'm sure you could go there and avoid him...
Reply 6
Well, if you do go out with him, make sure you stay faithful. If guys hit on you in the club, let them know you're taken and tell them to bugger off - simple as.
Reply 7
It's up to you to decide what you want really.
Reply 9
I suggest a gun duel to resolve the issue.
Yawn. We helped you out last time. You know the situation better than we do, make up your own mind.
Reply 11
Me, me, me, me.

Go gargle on some semen. That's what you need.

She can gargle on my semen
this story was a non-event first time, I don't know why you bothered writing up a second instalment of it
Reply 13
you like him you go otu with him. OR

you dont like him you dont go otu with him.

and the whole awkwardness thing, o please loads of people have it alot more awkward, be grateful hes not on your course or in your accom or something then that would eb totally awakwrd, if you broke up, you jsut be civil or you go to another club lol