He's 31 (I'm 18 - I know that's a large age gap, especially because I'm still young, but I know a lot of couples older than me where there's an age gap of at least 7 years), and yes, he is single. It's difficult to explain what he's like, because in terms of academics, he's a complete intellectual, and that's how he appears to others. Some of my friends, who have never been taught by him, say that he comes across as being staid and extremely academic, but having been taught by him for a year and having spoken to him a lot outside of that, he's not stuffy or intellectually snobbish at all. We're very similar, and have a lot in common. To be honest (and believe me, I've thought about this a lot), I think that at the moment, we're both very fond of each other, but that's as far as it goes, because, however strong (certainly my) feelings may be, I'm not going to place either of our positions in jeopardy. I'm certainly not going to do anything about it until after I've left school, if then. I know it comes across as being extremely naive, but I think in a few years....maybe. But I'm not about to turn into some Lolita...I'm just interested to hear if anyone's had a relationship with someone who has taught them that has worked out.