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Reply 1
ugh u perv!!!!

Lol, well my mum was 15 (nearly 16) and my dad was 19 when they met... but i spose that's different. I'd leave it tho.... 4 yrs is alot when shes so young, and ppl change a lot at that age.
if you didnt think it was wrong then you wouldnt be anon
Reply 3
Personally I think that if you have sex with her you'd be taking advantage.
Reply 4

Seriously, this is just such a bad idea! Not only for the fact that there is a bit of an issue over whether it is morally correct for a man aged 18 to be in a relationship with a girl who is 14 and is still a child. Also, if this progresses to anything physical, you will actually be breaking the law:eek: .

Most importantly of all no matter how mature this 14 year old may act, it is important to remember that she has four years less life experience than you and those years are some of the most crucial in shaping who you are. She will most likely not be emotionally and mentally ready for an "adult" relationship. At 14 most girls are more likely to be pressurised into doing things they regret, especially if they feel that they *should* be doing these things and that it is expected of them.

Surely you would rather have a relationship with a girl that is closer to your age and more able to join you when you go for the pub example and get on with your mates.
Reply 5
cheers that helps, can't you tell i'm confused
no offense mate, but at 14 she doesnt know what she wants, you'd just be a fad for her, it'd be like
'yeah ive got a bf and hes 18' cue giggling and popularity boost, but when she does mature and if she no longer wants to be with you its going to gut you,

plus what in gods great green earth would you talk/do with a 14yo girl :confused:
Reply 7

Seriously, this is just such a bad idea! Not only for the fact that there is a bit of an issue over whether it is morally correct for a man aged 18 to be in a relationship with a girl who is 14 and is still a child. Also, if this progresses to anything physical, you will actually be breaking the law:eek: .

Most importantly of all no matter how mature this 14 year old may act, it is important to remember that she has four years less life experience than you and those years are some of the most crucial in shaping who you are. She will most likely not be emotionally and mentally ready for an "adult" relationship. At 14 most girls are more likely to be pressurised into doing things they regret, especially if they feel that they *should* be doing these things and that it is expected of them.

Surely you would rather have a relationship with a girl that is closer to your age and more able to join you when you go for the pub example and get on with your mates.

i guess i should wait....till shes 16
be her friend and let her mature more,she could change alot in terms of personality.
Reply 9
i guess i should wait....till shes 16

Well that would remove the legal issue... I still don't get why your so into this girl who just seems far too young for you?:confused: Do you not like anyone your own age?
Shes Yr 9/Yr 10 and you are Yr 13/Uni. Too big a space until you are both over 18
Reply 11
Well that would remove the legal issue... I still don't get why your so into this girl who just seems far too young for you?:confused: Do you not like anyone your own age?

not really my college class is of all boys :-(

i'll wait as suggested, thanks everyone
not really my college class is of all boys :-(

i'll wait as suggested, thanks everyone

are you really going to wait 2 years just so she's 16? what makes you think she is going to wait 2 years? there will still be the age gap when she's 16 and 16 is still a young age so if your not going to go out with her now (which I wouldn't recommend) then don't go out with her at all and move on to someone else
when I say wouldn't recommend, I meant don't go out with her now, she's too young, when I was 18 I met a 15 year old who I thought was quite mature but it turned out she wasn't, nothing happened between us but I was considering going out with her (I would never have slept with her, I'm catholic anyway) but even so, there is a big difference between those ages and look back, I can't even fathom what I was thinking, considering going out with a 15 year old.
Reply 14
no, don't make anything of it. four years is a massive gap, because you mature so much in your teens. wait
Reply 15
Are you Stingray from Neighbours?
In my school there is a guy in year 13 going out with a girl in year 10 so she would be about 14/15. There is also another guy who is at uni!!!! going out with a girl in year 9/10.. sorry i dont no which. Everyone says that its not right and i agree. You change alot over the next few year (14 years olds) and i just dont think a relationship with people alot older is right.

Saying that there are people that do it and if you want to go for it but just be prepared for what people will think and say.
Reply 17
if some 18 year old went anywhere near my 14 year old sister, i'd tell him back the **** down.
The term paedophile springs to mind.
I would back right off, shes only 14, she won't know what she wants and the chances are her feelings would change the next day.