The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I absolutely recommend you stay off for a few days, maybe visit your GP or at least a pharmacist. It sounds pretty bad and you wouldn't want to infect everyone else, would you? (Well thats a matter of personal choice...)
Get well soon!
Ive been through that before, it feels like your gonna die, i had chesty coughs too with it. Feels really bad, i think you should stay at home, maybe visit a Doc, have your Blue puffer with you at all times. Its hard to sleep, just rest. Hope you get better soon
Reply 3
The Program
Ive been through that before, it feels like your gonna die, i had chesty coughs too with it. Feels really bad, i think you should stay at home, maybe visit a Doc, have your Blue puffer with you at all times. Its hard to sleep, just rest. Hope you get better soon

ive increased my dose on inhalers. and ill be drinking alot more fluids. but i feel alot more bettter this morning.

still have the odd moments of runny nose. but a blocked nose mostly.

if i have sum paracetamol, i should feel less cold.

im not worryed about my lecture, as thats the easy part. the problem will be my 2 hour computer lab session on programming.
Reply 4
Be really careful! My friend had a bad cold and asthma and last night ended up having to be admited to Hospital because it got so bad, so make sure you rest and don't end up as ill as she did!
I have the same thing and ended up having to go to hospital last week because I thought I would be alright after taking a couple of paracetomol (sp). I wasn' It scared my flat mates quite a bit to find me unable to breathe due to the wonderful combination of a cold and asthma. So yes..moral of the story, take a few days off at home until you feel better.
I have asthma. Its not nice is it :frown:
Freshers' flu dahling.I had it all last week and I tried my hardest to keep going.
Reply 8
Freshers' flu dahling.I had it all last week and I tried my hardest to keep going.

i dont understand why its called freshers flu ??