The Student Room Group

Girlfriend is too tight


basically, my GF is very very tight. even if she is wet after lots of foreplay, i cant even insert 2 fingers without it being too painful for her.

however, we are now thinking about wanting to have sex. besides the suggestions of lots of lube and getting her a bit drunk beforehand to numb the pain, does anyone have any ideas?


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Reply 1
........doesnt sound too good :biggrin:
Getting her drunk? why the hell do you want to get her drunk before doing the deed with her.
Reply 3
Getting her drunk? why the hell do you want to get her drunk before doing the deed with her.

i dont want to get her drunk, just a few drinks to numb the pain a little.
Reply 4
She could be unintentionally tensing up. Talk to her about it. But make it sound like a compliment! :p:
Reply 5
She could be unintentionally tensing up. Talk to her about it. But make it sound like a compliment! :p:

i do talk to her about it, she said she was ashamed of her childlike body! (she's 20)

it really terrifies her, as apparently im quite large. hmm.

I know this is gonna be kinda gross for a bloke to hear but if she's that tight then I bet she doesn't wear tampons. If she were to start wearing them then that would stretch things a bit, she should get the widest ones she can manage but also I think there might be some kind of plasticky things you can get to make vaginas wider, it would take a while though. I think the drinks and lube are your best bet, do that for your first time and remember that each time you do it, she'll get a bit wider so therefore your first time will be the worst but you have to keep it up!

well, we do talk about things a lot, but i think suggesting that she uses tampons to stretch herself is just one step above the comfort zone for now.

thanks for the advice though.

i guess i will have to just keep reassuring her and hopefully she can grin and bear it for the first few times until it stretches a little
Reply 6
hahah drunk? wtf.
Reply 7
you guys do know that drink not only increases sex drive for girls, but does numb pain too, right?
Reply 8

it really terrifies her, as apparently im quite large. hmm.

She is probably tensing up and doesn't even know she's doing it. Drink COULD solve this but I do not advise you to be irresponsible, maybe she DOESN'T want to have sex and that is why she is tensing up.
Reply 9
She is probably tensing up and doesn't even know she's doing it. Drink COULD solve this but I do not advise you to be irresponsible, maybe she DOESN'T want to have sex and that is why she is tensing up.

we wont be irresponsible, im just talking one or 2 glasses of wine to help her relax.

i think if she didnt want to, she would say. i havent forced her into anything, shes actually quite a minx in the bedroom!

and it isnt like we are gonna do it this week, or even this month or whatever, im just kinda asking for future reference.
you have to keep it up!

Ha ha ha :biggrin:

...sorry... *immaturity*

Anyway - does anyone remember a thread here a while ago about some guy's girlfriend who had this problem, and then like... became obsessed with stretching it? So it ended up like "Let's see if I can fit a football up there" and stuff?

Don't let that happen!
How do you know if the drink will make her want it more?
Reply 12
What are peoples problems with drink? You cant all be recovering alcoholics, Muslims or Buddhists.

Drink is good for the libido, makes the body relax so is perfect for the first time. Especially in this case.

He isn't trying to get her drunk so he can shag her, stop reading between the lines and assuming everyones life is like the soap operas you so sadly watch.
Reply 13
Use fingers a lot, building up slowly until she can handle more. And yeah, I have to admit I had a few glasses of wine to relax to help me combat this problem!
Reply 14
Also, not everyone has been sexually abused...

edit: OP, you sure you're going in the right place? Two fingers up the bum would hurt anyone.
Reply 16
Getting her drunk? why the hell do you want to get her drunk before doing the deed with her.

Numbs the pain.
Doctors recommend it and everything.

It's just a tough hymen. No way around it. It'll hurt but it's gotta be done.
Just use as much lube as is physically possible and try to relax.
Go VERY slowly. If you're both willing to have sex, maybe try and enter her while you're half erect, and sit still for a while. You'll probably have to do that the first few times, until she's used to you. Be very patient with it as well, dont rush anything.
And, if it isn't oxymoronic, use your common sense.
This is the same guy who said his girlfriend makes him pay for everything
alcohol so does increase the sex drive, pity it makes it harder for men to get it up