The Student Room Group

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Is race really unimportant? (See DandD thread of the same name)
Reply 3
Is one sex superior to the other?
Is one race superior to another?

Is the concept of human rights bunk?
Reply 5
Black people are slaves and always will be
Women should not be allowed to leave the house
Nuclear power plants should be set up in the third world to power the first world
Reply 6
We had to do a similar debate in my college.

My group opted to debate on whether animal testing is justified (or morally wrong).

Given that the group I was, the chosen debate got pretty heated although most of us didn't feel even slightly passionate about the matter - if we had chosen anything slightly more controversial which we actually had an interest in, the debate would have become violent!
Reply 7
Pepsi or Coke? :p:

How about colonialism, and whether it truly is to blame for the entirety of the third worlds problems or not? Ok that is obviously biased...let me re-word it...:p:

'Can colonialism be seen as the main factor in modern day third world strife?'
Reply 8
The uni debating society did "this house believes political correctness has gone mad' last night, which was quite lively.
Reply 9
The uni debating society did "this house believes political correctness has gone mad' last night, which was quite lively.

Was their any throwing of furniture? :p:
Reply 10
The colonial one isnt a debate. If you said "Did the end of colonialism destroy any hope for Africa?"
Reply 11
Abortion's always good for a giggle.
Reply 12
How about...."The Ku Klux Klan - bunch of backward thinking racist rednecks or merely misunderstood"?
Reply 13
How about...."The Ku Klux Klan - bunch of backward thinking racist rednecks or merely misunderstood"?

The most controversial debate would be one that involves casting our nation as villainous. :biggrin:
The most controversial debate would be one that involves casting our nation as villainous. :biggrin:

You're american?!?! :eek3:
Reply 15
Pizza or Chinese
Reply 16

Nice to see my work is appreciated...
"THBT white people are superior to black people". Controversy 101.

Or "THBT the Final Solution was justified". You'd never get a proposition, but theoretically it still counts as a debate.
Reply 18
Agent Smith
"THBT white people are superior to black people". Controversy 101.

Or "THBT the Final Solution was justified". You'd never get a proposition, but theoretically it still counts as a debate.

You may get a proposition. I'd be willing to propose, I'd take it as a challenge. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, that doesn't mean I agree with the motion, the holocaust was undeniably an evil act, just it would be interesting to try to defend something SO indefensible.
Yes, I know what you mean. I too relish such challenges. But there's a line beyond which I really would feel, well, just bad about doing so.

It's interesting to consider that with the Holocaust, people who secretly wish it had been completed make insane claims that it is a lie propagated to help propel Jews to global supremacy, but no-one has ever said the same thing about the Armenian genocide.