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I am going to Borneo for 3 months after christmas and have just got my anti-malaria drugs from the Doctor. He has given me Larium as that is what is recommended for the areas i will be in. However, I've read in quite a few places that Larium gives people horrible nightmares and halucinations and i dont really want to be in the middle of the Borneo jungle having horrible nightmares. Has anyone here ever used Larium before or does anyone know how common it is for people to suffer from these side effects?
Reply 1
There is usually an alternative. My doctor does not prescribe it saying that it's main benefit is as a treatment for malaria (he hasworked for flying doctor service in Africa) However it can be a very effective treatment. I would suggest trying it for a week or two before you go to see if you are susceptible to bad side effects or not. I met one woman in Kenya who had been taken ill on the plane over as you need to take them for a week before you go (I think). Give them a trial first then you can be confident and enjoy your trip.Sounds fab!
In terms of drug side effects, the hallucinations or bad dreams are relatively common, however that still means that the majority would not experience anything too bad. If you are very concerned about it, there will be alternatives you could use, although they would probably be more expensive; talk to your doctor if you are concerned. For most the side effects will be mild though.
Reply 3
If Lariam had one more a in it, it would be an anagram of malaria. Awesome.
I went to africa this summer and took doxycycline. Apparently larium is more effective than doxy (80% as opposed to 60-70%) but malorone is by far the best but at an expensive price and also you can only take it for a max of 4 weeks.
Lots of people i met in africa got malaria from doxy, no one from larium although some people did have side effects....not psychosis....just wierd dreams. If you are worried take another one but i think it's fairly alright.