i've liked a guy for almost a year and a half and he tells me he likes me back. We kiss and cuddle and go out on dates but we're not a couple. We both started uni a couple of weeks ago and part of me is wanderin now whether i'm kiddin myself by thinkin we're ever going to be anythin other than friends. Surely if he cared about me as much as i care about him we'd be together? He knows how i feel cos i've spoken to him about it a couple of months ago and he said he wanted to keep things simple as they were ok as they are. But there not, at least not for me, it always ends up annoyin me cos i want somethin more meaningful.
My friends at uni have said i shouldn't wait around for it to get serious because if it hasn't by now, it never will. should i just work on getting over him? i don't wanna fall anymore for him only to be told he wants to be single.