The Student Room Group
Talk to him tell him his behaviour is upsetting you.,
I don't usually say this: but he sounds like a twát - you're better off without him. Give him a few more chances tell exactly how you feel, otherwise you can't be expected to put up with his behaviour.
Reply 3
Talk to him tell him his behaviour is upsetting you.,

I think she's probably already done this.
If he's acting immature, treat him immature. ignore his stupid comments and only talk to him when he's being sensible. He should get the message.
yeah and buy him a nappy

Hes going to push you away! Hes obviously putting on a front to his m8s at uni! What you need to say to him (when he comes home and he is "normal") is how much it upsets you, and how you can only take so much!
Bascially tell him it could result in you doing something you may regret!
Just tell him to grow up! If he doesnt, ignore him! PLay him at his own game!
Reply 7
Get rid of the boy, get yourself a man.
Reply 8
you say hes at uni yet hes acting like hes 14 again, you might be better off without him, at least until he learns to grow up
Reply 9
A 18yr old being immature. Shock horror
Reply 10
34 person
I think she's probably already done this.
If he's acting immature, treat him immature. ignore his stupid comments and only talk to him when he's being sensible. He should get the message.

Au contraire, that seems to be a very mature way of dealing with it. :smile:
Reply 11
Dump him. Frees up girls for the nice guys that deserve ya.
Reply 12
Tell him directly. Thats all you can do... Or the next time you meet up somewhere jus talk to him....and let him know..