The Student Room Group

symptoms related?

I'm posting as annon because this is probably a stupid question. Anyway, I don't know if these two are related but for about a month, I've been seeing a guy. We've done a lot, just not sex. I'm a bit concerned because since last night, when oral and hand-job (?) was given on both accounts, I've felt really sick and queasy. This happended last week as well. I know I'm being stupid and paranoid but hey, better to be safe than sorry. :redface:
Probably not. You might have just had a lot of anxiety.

What was the situation? Lots of food, no food, scared, relaxed, what?

I think you're just looking to far into it, personally.

- r_o
Reply 2
That would be the good old nerves, nothing to worry about - you were just anxious and excited at the same time - it does happen; you are not the only one.

Try to relax next time.