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I had a 'cold' in my first week...and now i think i have a stomach bug thing :frown:
Reply 2
I've been coughing non-stop for the past two days. And I'm not even a fresher :frown:
There are a lot of people on the campus where I'm staying with fresher's flu.

I think I've had a mild version of it, but I'm slightly concerned that I've also got a chest infection, which is a bit of a bugger, lol.
Reply 4
Im not a fresher (in my final year now) but every year when I go back I tend to get a really bad cold around the middle of Oct- touch wood havent had one yet!!
Reply 5
Lol, I turned up to my English lecture on Monday and half the class (I kid you not) were off ill with flue, the lecturer was turning them away so the rest of us wouldn't catch it! According to her this happens every year on the same day (a fortnight after welcome week). Is my uni alone in this phenomenon:confused: or is this happening at yours?

whihc uni are you at?
Reply 6
a better question would be who DOESN'T have the freshers' flu! :P
Reply 7
Yeah I think I'm getting it :frown: So everyone I live with that has it is being put on a major guilt trip now :smile: When I get ill its really bad and lasts for ages so I'm not happy
Reply 8
Its already been and gone for me (I hope)
Reply 9
It's not really flu, just a bad cold *touch wood*. Think I'm just about getting over it.
Reply 10
I have a cold, but only because the windows in my room don't shut properly, thus letting in the wet nastiness of Oxford weather.
I've had it for about 3 weeks but it's going now. Hoorah. Alcohol makes you feel better :wink:
I have a bad cold. Would call it 'freshers flu' however I always get like this in October..
Reply 13
Fresher's Flu != Actual flu

I highly doubt many people get proper flu while they are in their first few weeks of uni. I was always under the impression that fresher's flu is just a bad cold
Bizarrely, at the French and Music departments at Bristol it's more of a Freshers Throat than Freshers Flu. Meaning, you get a really sore throat, chesty and tickly hacking cough and problems breathing in hot stuffy atmospheres. Most of us in the Music dept already have it, there are very very few who have escaped it...
Reply 15
I've had it for about 3 weeks but it's going now. Hoorah. Alcohol makes you feel better :wink:

couple of vodkas will sort it out!:biggrin:
Reply 16
I actually have it pretty pad, my temperature yesterday was 38.3 C and i have a sore troat, cough and cold. Feeling very rough right now :frown:
Reply 17
I actually have it pretty pad, my temperature yesterday was 38.3 C and i have a sore troat, cough and cold. Feeling very rough right now :frown:

thats nasty!:eek: get well soon!
Reply 18
flu, not flue...
Reply 19
I've had a really bad throat today, and I was also really ill last Tuesday. It seems to have hit me twice!
