The Student Room Group

Lampeter 2015 - help!!!!!!!!!!

Heyy, I was wondering if someone could help me out!

I've applied to do Classical studies with Latin and classical studies with English at
Lampeter, I got an acknowledgement email - does anyone have an idea when they might get back to me?

And also regarding the entry requirements, I'm 21 but would be considered a mature student, I heard they are pretty lenient with the entry requirements?

Any help is appreciated
Hey, sorry to see you haven't had any replies to your thread yet. :frown: Are you sure you’ve posted in the right place? Posting in the specific university or course forum should help get more responses. :redface:

If you haven’t already found it, then university connect is a really useful way for finding people at your course/university! You can also find a list of applicant threads and courses here. :h: It's worth checking out if you have questions.

If you need advice on your academic work, then the Study Help section will be able to help you. :h: Hope this helps! :h:
Hope all is well. Is there anything we can do to help you?


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