The Student Room Group

is there any chance....

my bf and i are kinda new at the sex thing and im just wondring if we fooled around without a condom but he didnt cum, and im using the pill, if theres any chance i could get pregnant? ive looked up stuff about precum online but the results seem to be all over the place. im just wondering about other peoples experiences doing this maybe.
Reply 1
Did he ejaculate inside you or anywhere near your vagina?

Id say the chances are pretty slim unless he was really close to you.... for future reference you might want to be a bit more careful, use the condom earlier if you need to.

EDIT: Oops sorry just re-read your post and you said he didnt come... sorry.

I wouldnt worry about it too much to be honest, the chances are pretty slim unless it got right into your vagina.
Reply 2
Incredibly slim seeing as you are on the pill aswell.
Reply 3
well if you're on the pill and taking it properly i.e: not missing one and taking it around the same time every day... and he ejaculates inside you, you're pretty much protected although there is always that 1% chance of getting pregnant... something like that... i don't remember the exact percentage when it comes to the pill. but i'd say you're pretty much safe :smile:

if you're using the pill, you fool around, and he doesn't ejaculate... then there really is hardly a chance of getting pregnant.
Reply 4
You're on the pill, and he didn't cum?

Don't worry about it. You're more likely to find a Lisa Riley fan club than you are to be pregnant.
Seriously, most people don't worry this much when they're on the pill and the guy does cum - that's what its for.
Reply 6
okay, thank you everyone. i guess maybe i am worrying just a little bit too much!