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Reply 1
It means you're crap in bed, basically.
Reply 2
go down on her.

for a loooooooooooooooooooong time.
Reply 3
nah going down is nasty
Reply 4
your penis doesn't have eyes, a mouth, or smelling senses, so half the fun of women's sexual organs are lost when you stick a penis into them, because all it does is just to deposit sperm in there. at least, as the above says, go down on her for aaages- you should enjoy it too.
Reply 5
nah going down is nasty

Good luck keeping a woman satisfied with that attitude.

Even if you think that, might be a good idea to pretend you don't.
Reply 6
nah going down is nasty

Only if your gf is a mermaid :rolleyes:
Reply 7
Only if your gf is a mermaid :rolleyes:

I know quite a few dudes who don't like it, but they all do it anyway (or so they say).
Reply 8
hahahahahaha. Definately not.

There could be a number of reasons for the "phrases" creepingup
1. She has no sex drive
2.She's a lesbian
3. You suck in bed
4. she ACTUALLY wants it in the ass
5. she ACTUALLY wants you to wear a bunny outfit because that turns her on
OR 6. she's an alien
How does telling the dude he must suck in bed help?
Reply 10
How does telling the dude he must suck in bed help?

Makes him face up to reality?
Firstly I don't think women enjoy sex less than men! Some do, some don't like it in both sexes.
How does is sex typically approcahed? I think you should try being patient, give her confidence and tell her she is beautiful, and never come into the situation when sex is expected as the end result!
Makes him face up to reality?
Fair point.
go down on her.

for a loooooooooooooooooooong time.

Reply 14
Oops I don't know how I posted anoynamousuomusamous! It is very overused! ...By the way my post should read "How is sex typically approached in your realtionship?"

I hate computers...
Reply 15

someone horny in da house!
Reply 16
Why don't you ask her what she'd like there to be in it for her? Then say teach me. And learn. Easy. :p:
It's probably just that sometime all she wants is a snuggle! I know there's times when I feel like that sometimes, and it doesn't mean I've gone off my boyfriend at all, it just means there's other things I feel like doing!
Yeah I wouldn't say that it's because girls enjoy sex less, more that girls don't get as horny as guys and sometimes you are tired or you have other things on your mind etc.

Urgh the wording in that was awful but I'm tired
my bf turns me down sometimes :frown:

and no, women should like sex more than men because we can cum lots of times where as men can only cum once.