The Student Room Group

signs he likes me?

There's a guy in the flat opposite me at uni who I quite like and since I met him I've been trying to spot if he likes me back or not. We talk quite a lot in clubs when we go out with our flat mates and have swapped numbers but not text each other. One of his flat mates asked him if he liked me and apparently he went bright red before going "yeah, she's alright". The night after that though we went to a club and his flat mates tried to make us get together and he put his arm around me saying "happy?" to them but he seemed annoyed about it and it was awkward.

He seems to show off quite a bit when I'm round his flat too, like doing tricks with tennis balls and things...but he's really quiet when I talk to him sometimes that I don't know if his flat mates were right. Does it seem like he likes me back?
you can either keep talking and slowly discover his feelings towards you, or flirt like you've never flirted before and quickly determine what he feels towards you, seems to me he might have a thing for you, due to the embarassment and the duality of showing off but also talking quietly to you, good luck
Probably. And he was probably acting annoyed to get them off his back - friends teasing you about crushes sucks lol. If you like him, tell him - he sounds shy, and would probably appreciate it? And don't tell him when there are masses of other people around who you know (although somewhere public might be easier lol.)