The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Help you with what? Your emotions towards his touchy feeliness or do you want to make him non-gay again or what?
Reply 2
i just want things back to the way they were. maybe i should just tell him to stop. overall im confused

If your mate's gay I don't think there's much you can do about it...:confused:
Reply 3
you can't tell him to stop being who he is otherwise you're not really much of a friend if you can't accept him
Reply 4
i meant telling him to stop being so touchy feely and emotional all the time. how can i help him though cos hes always getting upset at the mo

sit him down and tell him to stop being so touchy feely. if he's up so much its because he might me struggling to cope with uncovering his sexualty (assuming he is gay) all you do is be there for him!
Reply 5
To be perfectly honest I would neg rep you right now if it weren't for the fact I already repped someone today.
If he's touchy feely then that's something that's part of his personality, part of who he is. You CANNOT ask someone to change who they are just because some of his tendencies piss you off. "Him being all touchy and feely pisses me off" - deal with it!! So what if he hugs people of whatever, it's not like he's saying "please please have sex with me". And just so you know gay men aren't generally attracted to EVERY man in existence, so he probably doesn't fancy you. If you really feel uncomfortable then just ask him not to touch you. Simple as.
If he is gay then he's probably having a hard enough time without you giving him crap.
Reply 6
i meant telling him to stop being so touchy feely and emotional all the time. how can i help him though cos hes always getting upset at the mo

oh I see

well talk to him about why he's gettin upset, maybe he's hinting that he needs to talk about something that's bothering him
Reply 7
i always thought he was a bit on the other side

You mean he bats for the other team.

Hey, he sounds like a decent guy. He's probably just finding out who he really is. He might even need you as a friend to confide in, so stick by him. Thats what friends are for. He might get on your nerves at times but I'm sure you're not exactly Mr Flawless yourself. Be there for your friend, thats all you can do. :smile:
Reply 8
If he's wearing nail polish and being emotional, maybe he's not gay, but emo?
Reply 9
homophobic people r disgusting
Reply 10

Just ask him not to touch you sexually, homosexuality is not contagious, gays aren't trying to bum everything they see and this guy is still the same person.

Plus girls flock to gays and see male friends of gays as "really kind, sensitive people". It's much easier to meet girls yo :cool:
Reply 11
If he's wearing nail polish and being emotional, maybe he's not gay, but emo?

i just want things back to the way they were. maybe i should just tell him to stop. overall im confused

Reply 13
To be perfectly honest I would neg rep you right now if it weren't for the fact I already repped someone today.
If he's touchy feely then that's something that's part of his personality, part of who he is. You CANNOT ask someone to change who they are just because some of his tendencies piss you off. "Him being all touchy and feely pisses me off" - deal with it!! So what if he hugs people of whatever, it's not like he's saying "please please have sex with me". And just so you know gay men aren't generally attracted to EVERY man in existence, so he probably doesn't fancy you. If you really feel uncomfortable then just ask him not to touch you. Simple as.
If he is gay then he's probably having a hard enough time without you giving him crap.

I think that's harsh overall but the bit I've highlighted is fair, IMO (and needed to be said).

I can understand why the OP would be annoyed by having a friend that went around hugging everyone. This doesn't seem to be much about his mate being gay, just that he's REALLY camp and the OP finds that a bit off putting.

Reply 14
i you want to find out is he's gay just hit on him
Reply 15
I think that's harsh overall but the bit I've highlighted is fair, IMO (and needed to be said).
I can understand why the OP would be annoyed by having a friend that went around hugging everyone. This doesn't seem to be much about his mate being gay, just that he's REALLY camp and the OP finds that a bit off putting.


Yea sorry I get annoyed sometimes.
I'm just seeing things from the point of view of his friend if he is gay. When I first came out I was ridiculously camp and hugging people etc, but I got over it. It's just him becoming comfortable with who he is. Anyway I can't see him being touchy feely with guys, that's never a good idea with straight guys.
I do see where he's coming from. A guy I knew who was gay got really drunk at my leavers ball and he kept hugging me and saying he would miss me etc. I felt like giving him a roundhouse-kick to the head by the end:mad:
It's harsh but no-one likes mega camp guys :dontknow: