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Parents have thrown me out after i start seeing older man

Hi, my parents have just chuked me out of da house after they found out i was cing an older man, i have been wit him 4 6 months.

He is 47, i'm 17, but i love him, he loves me and wants 2 marry me and have a child 2gether.

He already has 2 children from his previous marriage.

i have moved in with him cuz ma parents told me 2 get lost and said i was a disgusting person.

Most of my friends tell me 2 dump him 2, how can i get ma friends and family to accept dat i am in luv with dis man, all ma friends keep sayin it will end in tears 4 me.

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Reply 1
He is probably using you

No man is worth losing your family and friends over
Reply 2
but he told me he luvs me, he is so kind
Reply 3
I think your parents would be more disgusted at your use of txt speak on the internet than the fact you are seeing an older man.
Reply 4
Just because he treats you well and is kind to you does not mean he loves you.

he is old enough to be your dad! Dont you see anything wrong with this situation?

And i really hope this is a joke....
Reply 5
wats wrong with goin out with an older guy, so wot he's older but he treats me like a princess
Reply 6
yehhhhhhhhhhh righhhhttttttt......come on its like this well if he REALLLY does LOVE u then he would definitely will try talking to ur family....and get to an agreement.....if he is not (most likely) he might jjust be using u.....hey well most old ass guys hang out with younger girls for u know what..right?....if he does love u ..... well u have to find out the truth
he's using u big time...dump him!
Reply 8
Whn youb hit 27 he will be 57........thats not exactly a great realtionship
Reply 9
he said he will luv me till he dies which is all i need, my b/f tried 2 talk wit ma parents but they threatened 2 have him arrested without giving him a chance.
Reply 10
Hes the first guy in your life to treat you nicly, right?
Your family will be there for you longer than any man will. You're so young--you don't need to tear apart your relationship with your parents over someone that you may not be with for the rest of your life anyway. Very few people find their life-long partner at the age of 17.
yeh barj's rite....he's like ur dad's age.....

did he tell u y he divorced his ex wife?
Reply 13
ohboy....ugirlsare sooooo easyyy...common duh ...he will say all that crap if he likes uuu for the other purpose....common relax and think for a minute...picture urself 20 years from now.????? common...
Reply 14
i had a b/f be4 but he was so immature, although ma b/f now i lost my virginity 2 him.
Reply 15
yeh barj's rite....he's like ur dad's age.....

did he tell u y he divorced his ex wife?

no he didn't
Reply 16
LOOOSING ur VIRGINITY has nothing to do with a healthy relationship.....
Reply 17
Well, i wonder why he wants you to live with him then.....

Seriously, dump him and find someone your own age! or atleast someone who was born in the same decade.

He puts you up, buys you stuff, acts nicely ---------> You sleep with him

You are basicly acting like a hooker :rolleyes:
Reply 18
LOOOSING ur VIRGINITY has nothing to do with a healthy relationship.....

yes it is it is a sign of luv wen u do it.
Reply 19
yes it is it is a sign of luv wen u do it.

No, it really isnt :rolleyes: