The Student Room Group

Girlfriend at uni - help

im a final year at uni and have been with my girlfriend who i met during my first year and is also at the same uni.

so been together nearly 3 years!

last year we had a placement year and although it was difficult only seein each other weekends we got through it.

Now im back though im like starting to get so annoyed by her and resent her.

I cant stand going out with my friends and she and her friends are in the same place. i never cheat on her, but i do like to have a flirt and a dance! sometimes with some girls from the society i go to at uni, who ive known since first year. ive never really included my gf in this society i like it to be my one thing i have for myself.

The thing is i have to act so differently when i get to the union or where ever if she is there.

I cant really have a talk and laugh with my girl friends so i tend to stay away from them but i feel rude as i almost ignore them. And they know im so different when she aint there!

The thing is i cant say anything because i would go mad if she was flirting and laughing with some guys. i spose i cant have one rule for her and another for me!

Part of me thinks i should just break much stress.

But i do love her. Everything is great on paper. Her backgorund, our plans for the future,sex, everything.

I cant just through this all away can i? i would regret it
Reply 1
a break sounds like a great idea......but in practice i dont know anyone who its worked we are at the same uni so we arejust simply gonna bump into each other all the time. and does a break mean see other people? if it does then it would be over if she went with someone else. could never get it out my head

It's called being in a're resenting the fact that you can't flirt with other girls when she's around?!
Reply 3
maybe you should spend some time apart like you did on your placement. Dont rush back into seeing each other every day
Absence makes the heart grow fonder!
You are right you cant have one rule for her and one for you! When you go out at night try an avoid the places she goes!
Have you spoken to her about this? Maybe you should talk to her and see how she feels, maybe you do just need a break! But somtimes spending time apart can make you realise how much you want to be with them!
Reply 5
maybe part of the reason is befor uni i had a gf for like 2 and a half years........ we broke up a couple of months b4 i went to uni for various reasons...

I thought i could be single for the first time in ages! and have some time without women anoyin me!lol!

but i met my current girlfriend and first kissed her during freshers week! started going out officially just after xmas!

seems im a serial realtionship guy! doh! lol
Women are annoying now?
Reply 7
a break sounds like a great idea......but in practice i dont know anyone who its worked we are at the same uni so we arejust simply gonna bump into each other all the time. and does a break mean see other people? if it does then it would be over if she went with someone else. could never get it out my head


Sounds like you want to have your cake and it eat! You sound like you dont want to be with her (as you want to flirt with other girls) but you dont want anyone else to have her??

You need to tell her how you feel, its unfair for her. Theres nothing wrong with having your own friends but you seem like you're starting to dislike her when she's done nothing wrong: "resent" is a very strong word!

Maybe just have some time apart and tell her that you want to spend some time with your friends and take it from there.
Reply 8

seems im a serial realtionship guy! doh! lol

ya lmao!!11

Or just particularly stupid.